chapter 27

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screaming, crying, hurting, calling out for help, abuse, he wished for it to end...

it had been more than a week since he was kidnapped.. the blond was trapped in the room, he'd given up on his attempts to get out.. he was too weak.. purpled had went over his limits aswell by fucking him less than an hour ago..

tommy was sobbing, his knees pressed to his chest, arms wrapped around his legs and his head on his knees..

he missed home.. he missed his parents, his brothers, his boyfriend, his friends.. even tubbo and ranboo..

he missed his life all those years ago, when he first confessed to purpled.. got rejected
now the same person, after all those years wants Tommy all to himself, ruining many relationships and friendships during the process..

tommy sat crying, whimpering the names of his loved ones... he felt horrible... he felt dirty.. the things purpled had told him till now made him regret everything...

there was a tight chain around Tommy's neck which was attached to the wall behind him.. it had bruised his neck very badly.. purpled was a sick bastard who was to hung over to accept the fact that his love didn't love him...

just then the door kicked open and tommy immediately tensed up and sank more into himself..

it was purpled, he had a plate of food for tommy to eat, purpled made sure to feed him twice a day, always oatmeal or cereal.tommy had a jug and a glass for water.

"hey baby! i got you your dinner for the night! need me to feed you?"

purpled spoke to him in a loving and obsessively psychopathic voice to which tommy only grimaced but hid it so he wouldn't have to face the aftermath full of more abuse..

"n-no thanks... you've already done enough"

Tommy said the last part quietly so purpled couldn't hear it. he wasn't hungry.. he wasn't thirsty.. he was either going to die starving or live the rest of his life with a psychopath...

he chose to die...

"huh.. thought you'd have learned to be nice sweetheart.."

purpled set the food to the side and came up towards the blond and knelt down Infront of him on one knee with one hand on his hip, the other grabbing the young blond's chin...

before tommy could be able to react.. he was pulled into purpled's lap.. he quickly understood what was going on and tried to get out of his lap and as far away from the older as soon as possible but he only struggled with it and was held by the waist tighter..

"you're mine.. and I'll claim you to prove it..."

Tommy struggled even more but he only got held tighter.. a pained scream left Tommy's mouth as blood dripped from his fresh new wound on his neck...

purpled enjoyed every scream from the boy as he continues to bite and carve his own name in the pained blond's neck..

tommy passed out in the nearing end of the current pain.. purpled only noticed this once he was done and set him down on the ground and left the room...

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