chapter 13

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tecno pov

i woke up and the first thing i saw was my brothers snuggled up. i reached out formy phone to check the time.


wait... didn't we had school today?

i got out of bed and went to change from my PJ'S into a pink hoodie but didn't change from my pajamas. after that i went up to my brothers and woke 'em up.

"wake up wil! tommy!"


the two suddenly screamed as they sat up , i just grinned at them and opened the curtains.

"good morning"
i said in my usual monotone voice

"tecno why'd you had to shout?! i was having a nice dream!"
wil argued

"imma just go"
tommy says as he gets out of bed and makes his way towards his room.

"didn't we had school today?"
he asks as he checks the time

"yeah, i think dad forgot to wake us up"

"that was lucky"

"mhm, well now go change, i have a plan after breakfast"


wilbur then went to his room to change leaving me by myself in my room, i plan on sneaking out to the giant arcade which is an hour or so away from our house and i plan on bringing tommy and wilbur with me, and some special people are also coming which makes it better. i go downstairs and see that dad's room is closed so he probably is asleep so i guess that leaves me in charge of making breakfast for the family. i decided on making waffles, orange juice and my special baked potatoes! soon enough Tommy and Wilbur came and sat down , dad then also came and sat down beside wilbur. tommy and wilbur started arguing a while later on some random shit and dad was just sat listening to their shit looking really annoyed. Once i finished i served everyone their breakfast and cutlery then sat down myself. i saw wilbur and tommy giggling as they looked at me .


"tecno pfft -hah! your wearing-"
wilbur and tommy burst out laughing and then i realized..



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the 2 were laughing hard and wilbur fell of his seat , i gave glared at them and the two immediately shit up and went back to eating quietly. i took off the apron and went back to eating.

"well boys , I'm off to work, tecno make sure these two don't sneak off anywhere , alright?"


dad sighed and went to his room to het ready, everyone was done with their breakfast and looked at each other.

"not me"
i said

𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 [𝐩𝐮𝐫𝐩𝐥𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭] [𝐝𝐞𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐧𝐢𝐭] Where stories live. Discover now