chapter 11

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tecno pov

we were getting hyped up for the match which was in 15 minutes, i was looking out the window at the audience when someone came up to me and spoke,

"tecno, we really need to talk...."

"what do you want prick?"

"look i know that i was awful towards you then, but i really want to make things right now and i have to talk to you about... tommy"

i stared at him, i understand if he wants to make things right but there's also something about tommy?

"i forgive you for what you did but tell me, what about tommy?"

he sighed and looked down trying not to make eye contact and spoke.

"purpled is madly in love with Tommy, he talks about him all the time, wants to take him from deo, that only he deserves tommy...
it's horrifying. and he is serious.."

i looked at him in pure rage, if purpled hurts my tom's emotionally or physically, he is dead meat.

"I'm telling you, if purpled hurts him in any way, I'm going to have his head in my hands"

dream pov

i know tecno will actually do it so i me and the boys had to keep an eye on purpled, i nodded and left .

with purpled

i had sneaked in the teams room and decided to sabotage deo a bit . i had dressed as a worker there with mask and glasses on and pitched my voice so no one would recognise me, deo had left his shoes outside the bathroom door he went to, i went ahead and cut the lases of his shoes from the inside so they would come off when he is in the ground at the match.

i quickly got out of there and sneaked bavk to my chair in the audience.

deo pov

the match was starting in a minute so everyone had took their places, the players on their spots , cheerleaders and water boys in the little spot in the corner of the ground
(there was a little corner where the cheerleaders and water boys were, each team had their own)

the match had started so far everything was going good , our team was playing EPIC!
i was running with the ball Infront of me when I suddenly fell face first bcz of my lases . the game had stopped as some wilbur helped me up, what happened?

i went to the corner where tommy and the cheerleaders were and tried fix my lases

"what happened deo?"
tommy asked worriedly, i then realized my lases were cutted from the inside,

"someone cut my lases!"

i heard punz yell , they were looking angry with whoever did it, thanks to tommy really, he forced mero keep an extra pair of shoes just in case.

the match continued soon after (i don't watch like any sports so i have no idea how these games work)
the first round was won by our team. there was a 10 minute break between the rounds so i went to fetch some water.

"good job sweat ball"
tommy said attempting to thriw a water bottle at me which for some reason went into another direction and hit dream right in the face.

"good job shortie"
i replied smirking as he handed me another water bottle,

"wtf tommy?!"
dream said getting up


"you fuckin threw a bottle to my face"

"he was trying to aim for me dream, he's shit at throwing"
i said with a little giggle

"am not!"
tommy huffed

"tommy you literally threw a half made pancake on dad's face trying to flip the pancake and be able to catch it"
tecno said as he walked and stood Infront of tommy with a smirk.

"atleast i don't chase my siblings with knives and potatoes when sleep walking"
tommy called out with a evil smile

"i do not!"
tecno huffed out

"hey tommy wanna dunk a bottle over tecno?"
wilbur came from behind


tommy handed wilbur a bottle filled with ice cold water , wilbur went behind tecno and I'm pretty sure tecno didn't notice and dunked the water all over him.

"what the- WILBUR YOU BITCH!!"
everyone burst out laughing as tecno chased wilbur with a water bottle in the field.

with skeppy

we were getting ready for the second round we heard someone scream, we looked at the field and saw two of the players of the other team , the pink haired one looked wet and was chasing the brunette with a water bottle, wtf?

it was the second round now and our team took the lead and were doing great, we won two rounds and two more were left, feeling pretty good,

deo pov

nonono we are losing! what are we gonna do!

"hey deo, calm down, you can still win"
a calming voice said, it was tommy's, he was sitting beside me

"i don't know tommy, we have lost all motivation and hope of winning.."

i said covering my face with my hands.

"well i gotta go now, the match is about to start"

i sighed and took my place, weare so gonna lose.

with Tommy

welp, time to get the biggest weapon, adter everyone took their places i went inside to my locker and took out my pom poms, skirt and my air phone (idk what's it called, the mike type thingy but way bigger) i quickly changed into it .

when i saw deo and the others playing with no hope I got out. and....


I'm pretty sure i got everyone's attention and saw my team smirk and look at each other with motivated eyes, the other team was got distracted by me bcz they had an immediate fall down. our team was winning!
the cheerleaders had also joined me so all four of us were cheering our team on in a funny and really random way and were also insulting the other team



deo pov

wow, that actually really helped and for reason the 4 were singing "in the middle of the night"? but it was helpful the other team wasn't doing that well now and we actually won!!

our team held the golden trophy and wegit multiple pictures with everyone. in the end of all that the we all went to our locker area where we found tommy on his phone.
i went from behind him and picked him up bridal style. he looked at me and hugged me but when he saw everyone else also there he i guess freaked out


"thank you Tommy, that trick you pulled off really worked!"
i said as the others agreed

"well duh, hiw often does anyone see a boy in a skirt , pom poms and shouting and singing and insulting random things down a weird mike like thing?"

we all laughed as i put him down .

"ahem, tommy you might wanna look behind.."
tecno said

tommy turned around and an old blond, blue eyed man was standing there in grean and black

"tom, who's that?"

"welp! nice knowing ya guys! see you in hell!"

"you three have 5 seconds"
phil said

"why us!?"
tecno and wilbur said

"cuz you knew and didn't tell me"
sure enough in exactly 5 minutes the three siblings were being dragged to the car by their father while everyone else was laying hard

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