4. Memories of Childhood

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    "Lys, we've got to go now or we'll be late!" Nyx hollered from downstairs.

    Lysander rolled his eyes and sheathed his dagger on his thigh. Odds were Kallias or Wynter would confiscate the weapon while he was in the Winter Court, but he'd learned long ago that it was best to travel armed, regardless of where he was going. At least he was leaving his sword behind. Runar would certainly be taken from him.

    Lysander fitted on his fingerless gloves as he left the bedroom and made his way downstairs. Nyx, Venelia, and Eira were waiting near the front door. Like him, Nyx wore his Illyrian leathers. Seven sapphire siphons gleamed upon them. Venelia and Eira wore fur-lined gowns. Venelia's was a deep forest green and trimmed with brown fur, while Eira's was sapphire blue and trimmed with ermine.

    "I'm sure Wynter and Elodie have taken the needs of their warm-blooded guests into account," Lysander teased. "After all, doesn't Elodie need to be warmer than most citizens of the Winter Court?"

    "I'd rather be comfortably warm than partially cold," Eira retorted, lifting her nose haughtily. "Besides, I've been told this gown is beautiful on me."

    "By who? Orion?" Lysander bumped her with an elbow and laughed when her cheeks flushed red.

    "Let's get going," Nyx urged. He took Venelia's hand and Eira took Lysander's. "Do you remember where we're winnowing to?" Nyx asked his daughter.

    "Yes, Dad," Eira sighed. "You've only shown me fifty times."

    "Nyx has always been overbearing like that," Lysander remarked. "Don't read too much into it."

    "I am not overbearing," Nyx huffed.

    "Yes you are," Eira and Venelia answered in unison. They laughed before Nyx winnowed himself and Venelia out of sight. Wind roared in Lysander's ears as Eira winnowed them as well.


    Mitsi shivered with excitement while pinning her ivory curls into a bun at the nape of her neck. She'd been waiting for this day for ages it seemed, and now it was finally here! Her cousin's son was going to be presented to members of the other Courts as one of the next heirs of the Winter Court.

    Hollis had only been born two weeks ago and none of them could be more proud of him. Wynter especially seemed to take great pride in his son. He was always carrying the infant around and whispering things to him that no one else could hear. Mitsi often wondered what promises he was making to his son, and thought she might be able to guess a few of them.

    Ellie had told her how devoted Wynter was to both of his children, and Mitsi had seen it firsthand on more than one occasion. Eliana was his Little Dream, who had him wrapped completely around her small finger.

    There was very little that Wynter wouldn't allow her to get away with, though Eliana rarely pushed those limits. It appeared that Hollis already wielded a similar power, which would only increase as he grew older.

    Mitsi also knew that Wynter was in an overly protective state of mind right now. He and his father, Kallias, High Lord of the Winter Court, had placed exceptionally powerful shields around Wynter and Ellie's estate, and more guards were assigned to patrol the grounds. But it wasn't just Wynter's instincts that had instigated these advanced security measures. They had been put in place with good reason.

    Mitsi's hands stilled in her hair, then fell to the oval shaped locket around her neck. It opened with a click, revealing a small portrait of her mother. She had never been particularly close to Amoriel, but several years ago, she'd decided she wanted a way to remember her mother's face. Ellie had helped her pick out the necklace and Mitsi had worn it off and on since then.

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