5. Gatherings

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    Lysander remained close to Nyx, Venelia, and Eira while they worked their way through the crowd. Nyx greeted every Court official with a smile and occasionally paused to speak with someone. Lysander was making mental notes of who all was in attendance, knowing his parents would ask whenever he next saw them.

    There was Varian, Cresseida, and Amren from the Summer Court. He and Nyx had spoken with them for several minutes when they first arrived before moving on to Lucien Vanserra and their aunt, Elain. They were there on behalf of the Day Court. Eris, Evren, and Castiel Vanserra had all come from the Autumn Court to pay their respects, and even Tamlin was there.

    They had yet to speak to Venelia's father, but Lysander knew they'd be joining him soon. Currently, they were looking for Mikael, Estelle, and Aramis. There was no doubt that they'd been invited. Mikael was Wynter's best friend. Of course, there was no guarantee that they'd arrive on time either.

    "I want to speak with Father," Venelia said, interrupting the din of voices around them. "We'll find Mikael and Estelle soon enough, but I know Father won't stay long. I want to speak with him before he leaves." Nyx clenched his jaw, but nodded. He led them across the crowded room.

    Lysander glanced at Eira as her large Illyrian wings vanished from sight. She caught his eye. "I don't want to bump into anyone," she explained.

    "I wish I had that ability," Lysander replied. "I've bumped into five people already."

    "Mom would say you can blame Dad for that inconvenience," Estelle said, falling in step with him. Shadows danced around her shoulders, undoubtedly agreeing with her statement.

    Nyx looked back over his shoulder. "Oh, you are here. We thought you might be running late."

    "Batsy couldn't decide what to do with her hair," Mikael teased, catching one of Estelle's short curls between his fingers and giving it a gentle tug. She smacked his hand away and behind them, their son dared to laugh.

    "Hey, don't you start that," Estelle scolded, pointing a finger at Aramis. "You were just as particular with your wings."

    Aramis ruffled his gray feathers and rolled his chestnut eyes, a mirror image of his father's. His own shadows were draped lazily around his arms. Lysander smiled as he watched the exchange.

    His nephew had been an opinionated and rebellious male from the day he learned how to talk. He'd gained those traits from both of his parents and Lysander couldn't help but point that out whenever his sister and her mate complained about something Aramis had done.

    "I figured you'd want me to look my best," Aramis said. "I could've doused myself in mud before we left if you preferred."

    "You would've found yourself under your grandfather's supervision for the remainder of the day if you'd done that," Estelle retorted. "And I would've made sure Ameer knew exactly what types of workouts to put you through."

    Mikael moved closer to Lysander, leaving Estelle and Aramis to their banter. "She keeps threatening to send him to Windhaven for a few months if he doesn't stop sneaking off at night."

    "Tell her to do it. Devlon and Jorah will curb that within days."

    Mikael smiled. "She doesn't actually mean it. He doesn't get into trouble or anything. She just doesn't like having to worry about where he is at all hours of the night."

    "Hm. I'm pretty sure our parents would tell her that she's getting exactly what she deserves. We used to do the same thing with Nyx and Corbin when we were younger."

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