76. A Poisoned Lie

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Mitsi and Eira exchanged worried and confused glances before fixing their attention on Venelia. She had risen from her seat and stared down at Ophelia, her features twisted with a multitude of emotions. Mitsi couldn't determine them all, but anger was the most prominent.

"What did you say?" Venelia demanded again.

Emrys and Lir had ceased playing now. At the sound of Venelia's voice, they sprinted back to Eira and latched onto her legs. Eira knelt and drew her brothers closer, but continued to watch her mother.

Ophelia gazed at Venelia with obvious confusion. "Tamlin is just worried and overly protective right now because he's...he..."

"Go on." Venelia's hands were curled into fists at her sides. There wasn't a hint of the gentle and kind female Mitsi had come to know remaining in her expression.

"He's afraid the same thing that happened to Lavena will happen to me."

"What thing?" Ophelia stared at her with wide eyes, her lips parted but making no sound. "What thing!"

"I...you, you don't know, do you?" Ophelia stammered.

"Know what?"

"Tamlin didn't tell you?"

"Didn't tell me what?" Venelia's voice rose to a shout. "What didn't he tell me about my mother?"

Eira drew a sharp breath and her hand found Mitsi's. She squeezed it reassuringly even as Venelia whirled on her heel and stormed back towards the manor.

Ophelia slumped in her seat, burying her face in her hands. "Oh, I didn't know," she sobbed softly to herself. "I didn't know he hadn't told her. I thought she knew!"

"What happened?" Mitsi asked, guiding Eira over to the Lady. The Twins followed after, sticking close to their sister.

Ophelia shook her head, lifting sorrowful eyes to them. "She asked if Tamlin's behavior stemmed from his instincts and emotions, and I tried to explain that he's protective of me because he's afraid I'll be taken from him like Lavena was. I...I didn't know. I..."

"Mom must be going to question him," Eira interrupted. "We'd better go after her."

"You go ahead," Mitsi urged. "I'll come with Ophelia." She offered the female her hand and Ophelia took it gratefully. Eira and the Twins were already hurrying towards the manor, and Mitsi and Ophelia followed as quickly as the Lady could manage.

By the time they entered the manor, raised voices could be heard from down the hall. Mitsi saw Nyx vanish into the room just before Eira and the Twins reached it. She and Ophelia quickened their pace, but paused outside the door. Ophelia released Mitsi and braced herself on the doorframe, drawing uneven breaths.

Mitsi angled herself far enough out of sight that only a portion of her face was visible as she peered inside the room. Venelia and Tamlin occupied the center of it, facing one another. Both of their emerald eyes snapped with anger.

"Tell me the truth," Venelia growled. "Now. I deserve it after so many years. What really happened to my mother?"

Tamlin held her flaming gaze for several long moments, before his entire body seemed to fold in on itself and he took a few steps back. The High Lord turned away and Venelia's jaw twitched as she ground her teeth.

Nyx hovered near her, not close enough to touch, but close enough to easily reach her should he be needed. He looked just as upset as his mate. Mitsi bit her lip and curled her fingers around the doorframe, digging her nails into the wood.

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