66. A Short Trip Home

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    When Mitsi next opened her eyes, she found herself standing near the border of the Winter Court. A smile spread across her lips as a breeze wafted towards her, carrying the chilly scent of ice and spruce. Azriel cleared his throat and Mitsi faced him.

    "One hour," he repeated before unfastening the dagger sheathed at his thigh. "Take Truth-Teller with you, just in case."

    Mitsi began to speak, then thought better of it and simply nodded. She took the dagger and buckled it around her waist. Several of Azriel's shadows broke away from him and draped themselves about her arms and shoulders.

    "If something happens, alert me at once," he told the wraiths. Mitsi watched curiously to see if they'd respond, but if they did, it wasn't visible to her beyond a few flickering movements.

    "Don't worry. I'll be careful," she reassured the Shadowsinger. "I'll be back soon."

    Azriel crossed his arms and tucked his wings close to his back. His mouth tilted in a pensive frown, but he said nothing more as she approached the border and crossed into the Winter Court. Soft snow melted under the weight of her feet, making not a sound.

    Mitsi grinned and set off towards the city in the distance, relishing the sights of her home. After so long, it was good to finally be back. If only I could stay longer, she thought with a sigh.

    But I'd better make this quick. The last thing I need is to get myself in trouble with Kallias or Rhysand, and that's exactly what will happen if Azriel has to tell them about this.

    She walked at a brisk pace and before long, Azriel was nothing more than a dark blur behind her. She kept her senses peeled for anything out of the ordinary, but nothing seemed amiss thankfully and she was soon drawing close to the city's outskirts.

    Mitsi wove her way through bustling streets, already heading towards Wynter and Elodie's estate. Colette was usually with them at this time of day, and even if she wasn't, Ellie would know where she was. Besides, if she had to choose who she was going to speak to, she'd choose Ellie this time around.

    Ellie would have more firsthand advice about mates than Colette and that was what Mitsi needed right now. At last, she reached the grounds of the estate. The guards on duty appeared surprised by the sight of her, but they asked no questions and didn't prevent her from entering.

    Mitsi breezed up the snow covered path until she reached the front doors. She recognized one of the two guards on duty beside them. Alastair raised his brows at the sight of her. "You aren't supposed to be here."

    "It's important," Mitsi replied. "I need to see Ellie. Is she home?"

    "She is, but I can't imagine she'll be pleased by your presence."

    Mitsi squared her shoulders and raised her chin. "My cousin will be happy to see me regardless of where I'm supposed to be. May I go in or not?"

    Alastair waved a dismissive hand and Mitsi brushed past him without another word. She let herself in the house and paused in the foyer, looking about. Movement at the top of the stairs caught her attention. A small girl tripped into view and Mitsi smiled. Eliana gasped at the sight of her.

    "Mommy!" She hollered. "Mitsi is here!" She flew down the stairs without waiting for her mother and Mitsi snatched her up into an embrace. "I missed you!" Eliana hugged her tightly. "Bongo does too. He was sad that you sent him back. Did you get the letters we wrote to you?"

    Mitsi nodded while she set her down. "Every one of them."

    "Mitsi? What are you doing here?" She looked up as Ellie hastened down the stairs, carrying Hollis who looked barely awake.

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