14. Of Friends and Family

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Mitsi's mood had improved by the next morning, though she hadn't slept much again. Mina and Micah were already gone by the time she rose. When she came across Seren in her art studio, the female explained that Lysander and Corbin had come for them early and no one had bothered to wake her, since Lysander explained her plans to explore Velaris with Eira.

Mitsi took her siblings' absence to mean that they didn't wish to join her and Eira. The thought stung, especially when she wondered if it was because they were still upset with her. Mitsi did her best to keep her hurt from showing though, and helped herself to a small breakfast, which she managed to clean up as well just before Eira arrived.

Mitsi closed the door behind herself and made her way down the stairs to where Eira was waiting. The female's sapphire eyes glittered excitedly and she took Mitsi's hand the moment she was in reach.

"I've already thought of so many things to show you," Eira exclaimed. "I think it will take most of the day to see them all! We'll start in this part of the city and then I'll winnow us to the Palaces and the Rainbow."

"Okay," Mitsi agreed with a hesitant smile. She had no idea what either of those places were, but she assumed she'd find out soon enough. "What are we going to see first?"

"I'll show you the Sidra and my family's estate. We won't go inside though, unless you want to meet my little brothers, our mother, and my grandparents."

Mitsi shook her head at once. She knew she'd have to meet Rhysand and Feyre eventually, as she and her siblings were now guests in their Court and under their protection, but she had no intention of meeting the High Lord and High Lady by herself. She was curious about Eira's mother and brothers however.

"Your mother is Tamlin's daughter, right?" Mitsi asked as they walked.

Venelia was one of the slightly more familiar faces who had been at Hollis' party, aside from Mikael. She had visited Wynter and Ellie a few times when Mitsi was younger, and she knew there was a close friendship between Wynter and Venelia that stemmed from their time in captivity together.

Eira's auburn head bobbed. "His wife is expecting a son now too."

"How does your mother feel about that?"

"She's excited. Dad and I are a little more wary."

Mitsi furrowed her brows. "How come?"

Eira's mouth curled sideways and she glanced at Mitsi, her gaze cool and calculating. At last, she answered. "Mom and Grandfather have a bit of a strained relationship."

"He's never approved of her being mated to the son of Rhysand and Feyre, and he and Dad have never gotten along. I don't think they ever will. I'm certain Grandfather didn't want much to do with me when I was first born either, until he saw that I looked more like Mom than Dad."

"Dad and I are afraid that once his son is born, Grandfather might...disregard Mom. Not that he won't still love her, but he'll have an Heir now, and that's what he's always wanted. The only reason he accepted my mom in the first place was because he thought she was going to be a boy before she was born, so he married her mother."

"That sounds like a horrible basis for a marriage," Mitsi replied. "Did he even love your grandmother?"

Eira shrugged. "My other grandparents don't think so, and they knew her longer than the rest of us. I've always understood that the only reason Grandfather married her was because she was pregnant and they thought the baby would be a boy, so he would have an Heir. None of us really talk about her much because Mom doesn't like to, so I don't know the whole story."

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