23. Unexpected Encounters

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"Corbin told my dad that you and Lysander were training on top of the House of Wind yesterday," Eira remarked, blocking a sweep of Orion's leg at the same time.

Mitsi flushed at the thought that anyone might've seen them and the numerous times Lysander had knocked her on her ass. She was bruised and sore today, and would likely become even more so before she started to make progress.

"Did he see us?" She asked.

Eira flashed her a grin. "No, but Cassian did."

"Oh no," Mitsi groaned, burying her face in her hands. "What did he see?"

"Nothing too incriminating. All Corbin said was it sounded like you were both having fun, but Lys was having more fun than you."

"Do we need to knock that bastard around a bit for you?" Orion asked, breaking off long enough to punch his fist into his palm, amusement lingering in his brown eyes.

"Not right now, but keep the offer open," Mitsi replied. "He wasn't lying when he told me he wouldn't pull his punches."

Eira and Orion exchanged surprised looks. "He never does when he's training with the Illyrians and Peregryns, but I wouldn't expect the same to apply to you and your siblings," Orion remarked. "He takes all of his duties seriously, especially when Rhys personally entrusts him with them. You, Mina, and Micah are one of those duties, and he was told to keep you safe."

"He is keeping me safe. He's teaching me how to defend myself. I told him I was afraid my father would figure out where we are and find a way to get to us. Lys told me that the best way he can help protect me is by teaching me to protect myself. That's what convinced me to give training a chance."

"I'm glad you agreed," Eira replied. "But don't be afraid to call for us if he pushes you too hard. Lys never goes easy on anyone, least of all himself and those he trains personally."

Mitsi's lips pressed into a thin line but she nodded. All three of them perked up as a sudden burst of noise resounded through the camp. "What's going on?" Mitsi asked.

"The Peregryn and Illyrian Exchange is today," Orion explained. "The novices are getting ready to leave and trade out. Speaking of which, I'm going to the Dawn Court this time."

"How long will you be gone?" Mitsi risked a glance at Eira, but the female was watching the group that gathered towards the edge of the training grounds.

"About four weeks."

Her brows lifted. "Really? That's so long!"

Orion shrugged. "It was two weeks when the Exchange first began, but that became difficult to manage, especially for Lys and Corbin, juggling all of the warcamps, so Thesan and Rhys agreed to change it to four weeks."

"Four whole weeks. What are we going to do without you?"

Orion's gaze flickered to Eira, but she still wasn't looking at him. "I don't know. You'll probably spend every minute of it missing me, or being bored out of your wits."

Mitsi giggled as Eira faced him, crossing her arms and lifting her chin proudly. "We'll do no such thing. We're going to be busy. There will be no time for missing you." She poked a finger into his chest and Orion grinned.

"You're going to stay busy to avoid missing me," he teased. "Four whole weeks without me, Princess. How are you going to bear it?"

Mitsi looked away with a snort as Eira's face grew red. She'd never heard Orion call Eira that nickname before, and judging by her reaction, he seldom used it himself. That meant he was trying to get her to react.

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