Thank You

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This concludes "A Court of Stars and Memories". Thank you all for reading and supporting me while I wrote this. I didn't intend for it to be so long at all! (Final word count is 181,176 if you're curious.) It's currently the longest book I've ever written and I'm honestly very proud of that fact.

Even though I didn't mean for it to stretch on like this, there was so much that I wanted to cover and so many side characters whose stories I wanted to kind of wrap up too, and this book gave me a chance to do that. I'm glad I moved at the characters' paces and my own as well, and I'm very happy with how this book turned out. I hope you've all enjoyed it!

Future wise, I don't have any more ACOTAR fanfictions planned. At least not ones following the characters we've seen in my previous fanfictions or anything along that general timeline. Maybe we'll see about more TOG or possibly another CC fanfiction in the future.

As of now, I want to try to pick up my original book "Moon Blessed" again. I've come up with a fixed storyline for that which would stretch it from my initially planned duology into a trilogy, so we'll see how that goes. If you're curious about that series, I'll be posting the summary of the first book at the end of this one. (The first book is already available on my profile and is about halfway complete.)

I think that's all for now. Again, thank you all so much and I hope you enjoyed. Until next time!

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