26. Uncertain Situations

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    Mitsi seemed more nervous than usual when Lysander retrieved her from his parents house the next afternoon. She offered him a terse smile and held onto him tightly when he lifted her.

    "Mina is already at the House of Wind," he said, attempting to ease her anxiety. "I would've asked Eira to come as well, but Jorah had a few assessments that she and some other novices had to complete."

    "It's all right," Mitsi answered, though he got the feeling it really wasn't. "When are you leaving for the Dawn Court?"

    "Tomorrow afternoon I think."

    Her face fell. "Oh." Lysander shot her a prompting look. "I just didn't think you were leaving quite yet. I'll only have trained around Nyx once."

    Lysander frowned and Mitsi turned her face away. She rested her chin atop his shoulder, her soft hair tickling his cheek. "It's not ideal, but Mikael and Estelle have things to do in the Dawn Court, and unless I want to fly all the way there later, I have to leave when they do."

    "You don't have to explain. You're free to do as you please." Lysander practically heard the words that echoed through her mind. And my siblings and I are stuck here.

    He opened his mouth, then closed it again. No, he couldn't invite her to the Dawn Court. Not without Rhysand's permission, and even then, would she really want to go? He'd probably have to take Mina and Micah as well if Mitsi went.

    "I do owe you an explanation," he argued instead. "I'm the one who's training you and I'm partially responsible for you and your siblings' welfare while you're here."

    "I don't want us to burden you. You should be able to come and go as you please without having to worry about us."

    "You are not a burden, Owl. None of you are. We agreed to help because you're Wynter's family, and family of Wynter's are friends of ours." Mitsi didn't reply.

    Lysander hesitated, then turned his head slightly, bringing his mouth closer to her ear. "Maybe you were treated like an unwanted burden and responsibility when you were a child. When you were with your father. But you're not with him anymore and you haven't been for over two decades. You are not a burden, Mitsi, nor are you unwanted."

    Mitsi's gaze slipped to his and a slow smile spread across her lips. "Remember what I told you about working on your confidence?" He asked. She nodded. "Work harder. When I get back, I expect to see you mouthing off to Nyx after every word he says."

    Mitsi snorted, pressing her face against his shoulder once more. "What does that have to do with what you were just talking about?"

    "Nothing," Lysander answered innocently.

    Nothing and everything. Getting her to speak her mind was one thing. Getting her to speak back to someone? That was something else entirely. And something told him that mouthing off was yet another thing her father had retaliated for.

    No doubt voicing her opinions, her wants, and her needs fell under that category too. Nyx would understand that. Nyx would help her work through it, just as he had with Venelia.

    "Do I get a prize if I'm successful?" Mitsi giggled.

    "What prize would you like?"

    Mitsi thought for a moment. "I don't know."

    "Think about it and let me know when you decide."

    "All right."

    They both fell silent as they reached the House of Wind. Lysander felt Mitsi tense against him while he landed. Nyx was already there along with Mina, and close by, Emrys and Lir were knocking each other around with thin wooden sticks.

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