27. Laughter and Lockets

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It was late when Lysander dropped Mitsi off at Seren and Azriel's house. When she entered, there was no sign of Mina. A quick inquiry revealed that she'd gone to her room immediately after Nyx brought her back and hadn't emerged since.

Mitsi left her sister alone and helped Seren prepare the evening meal, which they shared only with Micah and Azriel. Seren had asked repeatedly if she should take something up for Mina, but Mitsi insisted her sister would come out when she was ready, and she wouldn't appreciate an unwelcome intrusion before then.

She and Micah hadn't seen Mina in this mood for a while, but they'd seen it often enough to know what to expect. By the time everyone was heading off to bed, Mina still hadn't emerged. Mitsi was worried despite herself.

She mounted the stairs behind Micah and paused outside of Mina's door. Micah continued to his own room before looking back at her. "She won't thank you, you know," he warned.

"I know."

She raised her fist to knock anyway. To her surprise, Mina granted her admittance. She glanced at Micah, who was equally taken aback. Her brother just shrugged though, and Mitsi hesitantly opened the door.

Mina was curled up on a chair before the fireplace, staring vacantly into the dancing flames. She still held Corbin's dagger. Mitsi approached quietly and claimed the seat next to hers. "Are you all right?"

Mina's throat bobbed when she nodded. Loose raven hair framed her face, partially shrouding it from view. "I just... I wasn't expecting..."

"What happened?"

Mina sighed, smoothing some of her hair back. Her gaze dropped to the dagger and she traced the sleek blade. "He was taunting me like usual, and then he asked why I was so cold and withdrawn. He grabbed my arm and demanded an answer, and I...I snapped."

"The way he touched me, it reminded me of..." Mina's next breath shuddered. "Of Father...and Julian. In that moment, I didn't see Corbin. I just saw them. I think I might've killed him if he hadn't said something else."

"What did he say?" Mitsi pressed.

If she didn't know any better, she'd think those were tears beading in the corners of Mina's eyes. "I'm not them, but if my blood can erase what they did, then spill it."

"Does he know?"

Mina shook her head, the dagger shaking in her grasp. "I don't know how he knew. I didn't tell him anything about them."

"Did you tell his mother, or Emerie, or Gwyn?"

She shook her dark head once more. "No, none of them. None of them know. But he did. Somehow, he did."

Mitsi rose and cautiously shifted over to Mina. Her sister didn't protest when she pulled her into a tight embrace. She just hooked her arms around Mitsi's neck, still not letting go of the dagger.

At last, Mina released her and sat back. "You should get some sleep," she murmured. "I'll be all right. I'm just thinking."

"If you're sure." Mitsi made her way over to the door, but hesitated, casting one last look back at Mina. Her sister had resumed staring into the fire, holding the dagger close to her chest.

Mitsi couldn't help but wonder if she was replaying all those times she'd been grabbed and thrown around and touched against her will, and was envisioning that dagger plunging into Ebner and Julian's throats, as it had come so close to plunging through Corbin's.

Mitsi entered her bedroom and closed the door softly. It didn't take her long to prepare for bed, but when she crawled under the covers, sleep did not come.

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