12. Hidden Emotions

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The artwork above is not mine.


    The morning passed quickly and easily, much to Lysander's relief. He'd had his doubts about trying to manage the novices, teach his lessons, and look after the Rohese's all at once, but Mitsi and Micah both appeared to be doing well.

    Lysander had seen Mitsi pass by several times along with Orion and Eira. She'd been laughing and smiling at something one of them had said, which he took as a good sign. Micah had spent some time training with Corbin before his cousin had to help with their usual lessons.

    Then, he stood off to the side until Devlon came along and questioned why he was just standing there. None of them had a chance to answer before the Warlord swept the male off to do Cauldron knew what. Lysander did admit to Corbin that he was worried they'd have to report him dead by the end of the day.

    Luckily, Devlon returned him just before they finished with their lessons. Corbin was already headed back to Velaris with Micah, and would pick up Mina after he dropped the male off. Lysander was left to finish some final things in Windhaven and recover Mitsi.

    He gathered up discarded wooden swords and returned them to the weapon racks on one side of the training ring. On the other, he lugged several sawdust dummies into a row. Once that was finished, Lysander left the ring and set off to find Mitsi. His thoughts wandered as he walked.

    If Wynter and Elodie are expecting updates on the Rohese's, I suppose I should be the one to handle that. Nyx won't have time between everything he already does, and he probably wouldn't remember to anyway. Corbin wouldn't send updates very often and they wouldn't be detailed.

    He'd send the first report today, he decided, and would send one once a week from now on. That would surely be enough for Wynter and Elodie, and he assumed Mina, Micah, and Mitsi would write letters of their own to pass along either to the pair of them or to their adopted parents. Lysander made a mental note to tell his cousins about his decision later.

    Voices ahead caught his attention. Lysander's brows lifted and an amused grin spread across his lips. Mitsi was balancing atop a fence, attempting to walk on the thin rails. Orion and Eira hovered on either side of her, both laughing with every wobbly step she took.

    Eira was holding one of her hands while Orion's remained free, but within easy reach should Mitsi need assistance. Her features screwed with concentration as she took another step forward, wavering from side to side.

    "Stop laughing," she grunted when Orion snorted again. "I don't have wings to balance with, unlike the two of you. You should've told me that's what you were doing before you talked me into trying!"

    "I thought you knew," Orion snickered. "Eira almost smacked you in the face several times while adjusting her wings."

    "I just thought she was moving them! How was I supposed to know you can use them for balance? I've never been around winged Fae before."

    She's more talkative than she was this morning, Lysander noticed. That's good.

    Mitsi stepped again, then gasped and cried out as she toppled off the fence, knocking Eira to the ground. Both females lay there for a moment and attempted to catch their breath, before bursting into laughter.

    "I trust you two not to terrorize someone for just a few hours and this is what I find?" Lysander teased, pausing beside Orion.

    The male simply shrugged. "I'd think you would know us better than that by now."

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