O•N•E | I Want You To Want Me

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Hello ladies and gents!
Welcome to another fan fiction!

As I wrapped up New Age Red, a Bucky Barnes work of mine, I realized I hadn't done a Steve Rogers {Captain America S.R} thus, A Sunday Kinda Love was born!

Thank you, Thank you a million times  Jesse_Winter_Soldier. for beta reading for me!

I do have a playlist for this fiction; I highly recommend giving it a listen, too, if possible!

{There is also a link in my bio you can click on or YouTube, whatever 🤷🏼‍♀️}

Happy reading!




Thump thump thump, the rhythmic sounds of feet on concrete could be heard faintly through his earbuds as 'Burnin for You' for you plays. The sun was peaking over treetops to say good morning; a cool breeze blew through the trees, rustling them. The smell of fresh morning dew and birds chirps from their nests, waking up for the day. Steve turns the corner taking another lap around the Washington Monument and reflecting pool. The bright morning sun reflected off the water as he checked his watch. He could get in another lap before meeting Sam under his usual shade tree, gasping for air. He smirked, remembering the first time he met Sam Wilson. The song ends as he slows down to a walk, stopping next to Sam, lying sprawled out like a starfish in the grass.

Steve huffs a laugh, "You gonna make it?", he asked, offering at hand to his friend. He's barely winded, that wouldn't have been the case before Doctor Erskine's serum. Steve suffered from numerous illnesses, including Asthma, high blood pressure, scoliosis, and the list goes on and on. Now he can run a mile in just a couple of minutes without breaking a sweat; not to toot his own horn, but he can get up to twenty-nine miles per hour while running.

Sam peeks open an eye, "Is this what you do for fun? Drag my ass out of bed at the ass crack of dawn to make me feel inferior?"

Steve cocks an eyebrow, "It's not the only enjoyment I get during the day, but it does make for a great start."

"I hate you.", Sam replies dryly. He shoots his hand up and accepts Steve's offer.

Steve chuckles, "No, you don't."

Sam nods as they walk towards their favorite coffee shop, "You're right, I don't hate you. Have you thought about talking to that VA therapist I suggested?"

Steve groans, "Not this again."

As they cross the street, Sam starts in again, "Steve, I'm serious. All you do is work, work, and more work. Your only enjoyment is tormenting me, that isn't healthy for either of us."

Steve stops frowning, and Sam follows his gaze. Their favorite coffee shop is closed due to a gas leak, Steve needs his morning coffee. Although caffeine does nothing for him, it's a familiar taste he enjoys. Sam quickly pulls out his phone, suggesting another shop a block over.

"So, you're just going to ignore me?", Sam asks as they approach the small coffee shop.

Steve takes in the architectural beauty of the building; red brick with black windows and doors, in chunky white letters above the door, 'Cakes and Coffee.' A white and black striped awning is hanging over, covering a couple of outside tables and chairs. The shop sits on the corner of the street; over at the street corner is a two-faced sign, written in beautiful handwriting 'Today's Special! Jumbo Cinnamon Rolls!' Steve stopped to read the sign, tugging a navy ball cap from his pocket.

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now