F•O•U•R | Take My Breath Away

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Hey guys!

I am still completely blown away by the support! This has been an entertaining story for me to write!

As always, thank you so my beta reader Jesse_Winter_Soldier!!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Happy Reading!


Steve pulled up to a sizeable red-bricked apartment complex, with large bay windows representing the number of apartments. He chuckled, looking up and seeing Kash's nose pressed against the glass. He gracefully removed himself from his motorcycle, adjusting his shirt. Sam had helped him pick out his outfit; he was ashamed to say how many different pants and shirts he tried on once he was showered and fed after coming home from his mission. Steve felt good and knew he looked good in a black tee. Sam said he looked like he was one flex away from ripping the shirt; his dark jeans hugged his thighs and ass just right.

His motorcycle boots clunked on the sidewalk as he walked towards the entrance. He noticed a buzzer system to get into the building, he was pleased with the security; he pressed apartment ten on the list.  Steve frowned when buzzed in without checking to see who he was, but he opened the door and went in regardless. The lobby was nice and modern; to one side, there were mailboxes for each tenant. To the other side was a large bulletin board with flyers. Across from the entrance was a sleek sliver elevator, he pressed the second floor; the ride was quick. He watched as the doors opened, revealing a long hallway with doors spaced out every so often. The walls were a crisp white on the bottom and a dark blue on the top, separated by a piece of trim.

Steve knocked on the door, taking a step back and stuffing his hands into his pockets. The door opened, revealing the man Aubrey had been with jogging, and at the bakery, he was slightly confused.

Zak smiled, "Hey man, come on in.", he stepped aside. "Aubrey is still getting ready.", he said, leading Steve into an open floor plan living room. The living room and kitchen were essentially one, the kitchen was separated by a bar with three stools. On either side of the apartment were two doors, which Steve assumed were bedrooms, the one in the middle, and the bathroom.

Zak went to the kitchen, "Would you like a drink or something?", he asked, opening the refrigerator.

Steve cleared his throat, "No, thank you.", he spoke.

The other man nodded, closing the refrigerator door. "I'll see how much longer she'll be.", he said, walking past Steve. He went to the door on the left, knocked once, and opened it, Kash bolted right out. The German Shepherd locked eyes with Steve, running over, wagging his tail rapidly.

"Hey buddy.", he murmured, petting the dog while watching the bedroom door with a frown. He looked around the living room, there were pictures of Aubrey and the younger man on the tv stand, his arm slung around her shoulders or waist. A list on the refrigerator, written in Aubrey's handwriting and what Steve would assume was chicken scratch. All signs led to, yes, Aubrey living with his man. That left him feeling slightly possessive, even though he knew logically he had no right to be.

Zak reappeared a moment later, "She's almost dressed. Take a seat, man.", he smiled.

Steve did as suggested; Kash reminded content to get loved on, so he followed Steve.

"Kash seems to like you, he doesn't latch onto people quickly.", Zak said, watching the Shepherd fall to the floor, showing his belly for scratches.

Steve hummed, "He's a good boy.", he said, smiling at the canine at his feet.

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