T•W•E•N•T•Y - F•I•V•E | Stand By Me

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Happy Tuesday!

Big news guys!! There are roughly nine more chapters left! Now don't get upset just yet, there will be a second fiction in this series! Yay! Now I don't have a release date just yet, so just keep an eye out for an update either on here or Instagram.

Shout to the bestest beta and friend! Jesse_Winter_Soldier

Don't forget to drop a like and leave me comments! I love them so much! 😍

Now settle in for some fluff & stuff, and some giggles! 🖤🖤

Happy Reading!



Outside it's snowing, the thick white flakes falling rapidly; the frozen particles hit the windows with a tink-tink-tink. The wind swirls, carrying the fragments in every which direction, covering anything that isn't moving. Inside the Rogers residence, it's nice and warm, the scent of freshly made bread lingers in the air, with a slight sweetness and yeasty aroma that somehow smells warm, making you feel nice and cozy while a small winter storm blows in.

In the warm kitchen, Aubrey sways her hips, bobbing her head as the upbeat sound and smooth voices of Daryl Hall and John Oats play from the small kitchen speaker. She hums along with the two men as they sing Kiss on My List, she's just sliced some of the now-cooled bread, laying two thick slices on a plate and the rest away for later, which knowing her future husband and she does very well, the bread won't last until the evening. Zak and Sasha are coming over for wine and snacks. It's already a given that Zak will agree to be her man of honor, but she still wants to ask him officially, and Sasha has been there for her through the years; it just feels right that she is there too. That and she's one hundred percent positive Sasha would throw a fit; she has no problem telling anyone who will listen that she is responsible for Steve and Aubrey. In hindsight, Aubrey shouldn't have been so upset with her for setting her up that day; while there have been ups and downs, Aubrey doesn't regret any minute that Steve has been in her life.

She pulls all the makings of a turkey and cheese sandwich out of the refrigerator, adding a slice of tomato and some crisp pieces of lettuce. She cuts the sandwich into triangles, adding some fresh grapes and carrots with hummus. Then, pulling out some brie, prosciutto, and salami, she grabs the small cutting board with the cooled slices of baguettes. Aubrey reaches across the kitchen island, grabbing two fresh pears from the fruit basket, she lets out an undignified squeak when she feels a pair of warm hands slide around her waist. Steve chuckles behind her, deep in his chest, sending a shiver down her spine.

"I hate it when you sneak up on me like that.", she grumbled, swatting at his grabby hands. "I'm gonna put a bell on you.", she threatens.

Steve hums, "Kinky.", he whispers, nipping at her neck.

Aubrey snorts in reply.

Knowing he wasn't going to get the attention he wanted, Steve walked around the kitchen island and sat down. Aubrey narrowed her eyes at him until his bottom hit the seat, she then slid the plate across to him.

"Thank you. You didn't have to make me lunch, sweetheart.", he smiles at the delicious sandwich. When Aubrey shrugs in reply, a smile on her gorgeous face, he picks up the sandwich and takes a bite. He hums as he chews, picking up the napkin she had sent with the plate. "I know it's a simple sandwich but it's so good, and that bread!", he takes another big bite, his eyes rolling back playfully.

Aubrey ducks her head, smiling as she folds the prosciutto, placing the pieces on a long thick wooden board that was already set aside. "It wasn't any trouble, I was already here.", she replies. Aubrey glanced up every so often, watching the super soldier happily tuck into his meal.

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now