E•I•G•H•T | Fooled Around And Fell in Love

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Hey guys!

I am honestly a little nervous about posting this chapter, don't hate me 🙈

Jesse_Winter_Soldier thank you so much for beta reading!

If you enjoy this story, you will love the one I am working on now!  Bucky Barnes/OFC Description will be the at the end of this chapter!



"I don't understand why I have to go with you.", Zak whined as he followed Aubrey into a dress shop. "Don't you have girlfriends to help with this?", he asked. 

Aubrey huffed in annoyance. "Because I need a friend's opinion.", she replied, looking around the shop, "And you know that I don't, now please just help me."

The walls were light pink with a white material bunched around and tied with a darker pink satin ribbon, which was placed every so many feet along the walls. Aubrey wasn't sure why it was ascetically pleasing by any means. On the left side of the little shop were several displays and racks of dresses, on the other were shoes and jewelry. In the middle, near the register, was a lingerie section. It smells like some flower Aubrey can't place; soft music is playing in the background.

"I'm sorry, I'm just hangry.", he apologized, looping his arm around hers. "What are we getting a fancy dress for anyway?", he asked.

"We'll go get lunch after I find my dress.", she said as they moved through the small store. Aubrey grabbed a red number, putting it back with a frown. "V.A. Fundraising Gala, it was a last-minute invite.", she said, looking further back on the rack.

Zak raised his eyebrows at some of the lingerie. "We will just be avoiding that section.", he said, tugging her along.

A short woman in a pantsuit with blonde hair approached them; her name tag read 'Stacy.' "Can I help you find something?", she asked with a polite smile.

Zak stepped up, "Why, yes. Stacy, thank you. My friend here needs a dress. Not just any dress, but THE dress okay? She has to make a good impression.", he says.

Stacy steps back, looking Aubrey up and down. She feels like a prized cow up for auction under the more petite woman's gaze. "I think I have just the dress." She smiled, clapping her hands together, and turning on her heels. "If you'll follow me.", she said, gesturing towards the dressing room.

Which was just a tiny little area sectioned off by black curtains. Aubrey reluctantly stepped into the small room, waiting for the dress to be slipped through the small opening.

"Ah! I found it!", Stacy shouts gleefully; Aubrey can hear her heels clicking on the floor as she walks back toward them.

Sitting outside the dressing room on a plush-overstuffed chair, Zak speaks up, "Holy shit! Yes!"

"Here we are; just let me know when you get it on and I'll zip you up.", Stacy says, handing the dress over.

The navy material is soft in her hands as Aubrey hangs up the dress. She slowly undresses, feeling very exposed in the small dressing room. She shimmies out of her jeans, thankful she wore lacy panties and not her old ones with the pink flowers. She steps into the dress, feeling the smooth material slide up her bare legs. She pauses, looking at the neckline, and with a sigh she unlatches her bra, tossing it on her jeans in the corner on a small chair.

"I'm ready.", she hollers, standing with her back to the opening.

She gasps, feeling cold hands breeze over her skin, "There, honey, now, let's see this dress." Stacy squeezes her shoulders.

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