T•E•N | Holding Out for a Hero

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Happy Tuesday! 😁

Thank you so much Jesse_Winter_Soldier, for beta reading! You are the best! 😘

There aren't any warnings for this chapter. 🙈

If you haven't had a chance to read the first chapter of my newest fic, Never Be the Same, I suggest you go check it out 😉

Happy Reading!



When Aubrey finally enters her apartment, she is greeted by a pleased Kash who showers her with kisses. Zak looks at her skeptically when she tells him she is okay, or she will be, all she needs is a shower and a quick nap. Reluctantly, Zak leaves her apartment and Aubrey locks the door behind him. Her head thumps on the wood as she sinks to the floor, feet sprawled out in front of her. Kash lays beside her, his big head resting on her thigh as he nudges her hand with his nose, honey eyes full of concern for his mom.

"Everything is so messed up, Kashy, and I just don't know what to do.", she admits to the canine.

She isn't sure how long she sits there crying, but eventually she gets up, pulls on a hoodie, and slips into her shoes. She and Kash head out of the apartment, they walk down the deserted sidewalk towards the dog park at the end of the road.

After watching Kash play with a Golden Doodle named Marley for an hour, they make their way home. Aubrey grabbed that shower she said she needed; Kash lay at the bathroom door waiting for her. They crawled into bed that night, the German Shepherd moved from his usual spot at the foot of the bed to lay right next to Aubrey. She wrapped her arms around the canine and began to sob.


"Thanks for coming in. Have a great day," Sasha smiled, handing a small box filled with cookies to a kind lady in a gray peacoat.

"No, no, no. Shit!"

The lady looked back towards the kitchen, raising a curious brow at the commotion. Hailey, the new girl, stood at the coffee machine, craning her neck to look into the kitchen.

Sasha smiled apologetically, "We're having some difficulties today."

The woman gave her a look that said 'right', she turned around and walked out of the store without a comment.

Sasha quickly made a beeline for the kitchen. "Hailey, cover the front for me.", she called over her shoulder as she shoved open the kitchen door.

Smoke billowed from one of the ovens as Aubrey pulled out a pan of what were supposed to be leaf-shaped sugar cookies. She tossed the tray down on the work table, throwing the oven mitts off as she slammed the door shut.

Sasha walked over to her boss and friend. "Are you okay?", she asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder. "Honey, you've burnt almost everything you made this week. What's going on?", she asked.

"Steve broke up with me.", Aubrey answered, wiping her tears. "I can't get anything right, I just –", she sobbed.

Sasha pulled her into a hug, rubbing her back as she sobbed. "Oh sweetie, I am so sorry. Why didn't you tell us?", she asked.

"I don't want to burden anyone or have anyone feel sorry for me.", Aubrey replied tearfully into her friend's shoulder.

Sasha tugged her back gently, "Aubrey, we're friends; that's what friends are for. We're here for each other when we're hurting."

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