T•W•E•N•T•Y - F•O•U•R | Days Like This

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Hey guys! Happy Tuesday!

Last week seemed like it could be the final chapter but SUPRISE! It's not, lol Steve and Aubrey's story isn't over just yet! When I see the end in sight, I'll let you guys know, until then buckle up; you're stuck with me 😘

Don't forget to leave me a like and drop a comment!

What are your thoughts on a fall wedding? Maybe winter? Let me know!

Happy Reading!



Aubrey felt soft lips on her shoulder, a warm body behind her, a muscular arm around her side, and scruff from Steve's beard tickling her skin. She took a deep breath, smelling coffee. Steve must have been downstairs already; she sighed contently in his embrace. She is not ready to open her eyes, so Aubrey snuggles back into their soft sheets.

"Good morning, pretty girl.", Steve rasps.

Aubrey hums, a sleepy smile pulling at her lips. They lay there for another half an hour before Steve kissed her neck and slipped out of bed. Aubrey can faintly hear him in the closet pulling out clothes for the day as she rolls over. Snagging his pillow and pulling it to her chest, she wiggles onto his side of the bed.

Steve stops short, leaving their closest. He leans against the doorway, committing the sight before him to memory. Aubrey is lying in a pool of soft navy blue sheets, her hair scattered over her pillow, lips slightly parted, thick lashes resting on her freckled cheeks; she's got nothing but a t-shirt and underwater on, one leg straight out and the other bent making a P.  He pushes off the doorframe, his hands itching to draw.

Two weeks into his retirement and Steve can't get enough of the free time, he knows he will get bored and need to do something at some point, but he's not rushing that day. Instead, he spent most of the first week putting the garage together and the gym above it while Aubrey was at work. He unpacked his art supplies and all their combined books during the day, in the evenings, he would have dinner ready and waiting for her. They would eat together, sometimes split a bottle of wine, and unpack a box or two.

Kash noticed Steve was heading downstairs. The German Shepherd lazily stretched, pushing his butt in the air while he yawned. Then, giving one like last look to Aubrey, he trotted out of the room. He follows Steve into the kitchen, where he waits patiently for his water bowl and food dish to be filled before he lazily flops down on the floor and chows down.

"Good boy.", Steve coos, patting the canine's head. He refilled his coffee mug before padding barefoot down the hallway toward the studio.

Walking down the hall, Steve smiled as he sipped his coffee, photographs were framed on the walls. Some of Steve and Aubrey, Aubrey and Kash, one of his mother, one of the Howlies, and a nice shot of Steve with Bucky and Sam. There were so many, and all put up artfully with decorative pieces and signs.

He chuckled at the memory of walking in the front door and seeing Aubrey sitting cross-legged on the floor, Kash lying beside her, looking bored out of his mind.

"Whatcha doin', Sweetheart?", he asks, dropping a kiss on the top of her head.

Aubrey leaned forward and swapped two picture frames. "Trying to get this right.", she mumbled, looking over at her phone.

"Ah, Pinterest.", he chuckles. "Need any help?", he offers, secretly hoping she declines. After hanging up the sign over their bed a few days ago, Steve doesn't know if he'll survive. There was a lot of head tilting, humming, and a little to the left, and his favorite, wait, no back where you had it. But he will admit, the crispy white sign with the dark thin wooden trim and the black script writing that read 'As You Wish', looked very nice over their bed with the lacey curtains she had picked out.

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now