F•I•V•E | Knock On Wood

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I know this is early buuuttttt! I had a week and needed some Steve and Aubrey happiness!

This chapter is un-beta'd , Jesse_Winter_Soldier is probably shaking her head right now like what the hell am I going to do you this girl! She has no chill lol

I hope you all enjoy this surprise chapter!




Steve had just pulled on his shirt to walk out the door; when there was a knock, he frowned; he wasn't excepting company. Looking through the peephole, he sighed, unlocking the door; Natasha pranced into his apartment as if she owned it. The heels of her knee-high boots clicked on his hardwood floor.

"I'm surprised you knocked," he said, closing the door behind her.

Nat leaned against the kitchen counter, "Gotta keep you on your toes." She raised a curious brow as she took in the old paint-stained jeans and white tee with his old running sneakers. "Where are you going dressed like that?" she said, gesturing to his clothing.

Steve sighed, "I'm going over to Aubrey's. Her roommate is moving out, and she is painting her living room. I offered to help her; why are you here? Not that I don't love your random drop-ins," he asked.

"Ah," she crossed her arms. "I just wanted to see what you were up to. So things are getting serious with this girl?" she asked.

"Aubrey, her name is Aubrey, and yes. We've been exclusively seeing each other for a while now," he said, glancing at his phone. "Listen, Nat; I gotta get going."

Natasha nodded, "I see. Have you had SWORD run a background on her?" she asked, moving towards the door slowly, so slowly that Steve wanted to push her along.

"No, Natasha. I have not; I prefer to learn things about her as we continue to get to know each other." He said curtly. He was getting fed up with the whiplash from his friend one moment, she was encouraging him, and the next, she was cautioning him. He opened the door for her.

She nodded again, "Fine." She replied dryly, moving past him without another word.

Steve took a deep breath, grabbed his keys, and locked up his apartment.


Aubrey smiled as she kneaded the bread dough; it was crazy to think she and Steve had been dating little over a month now. After their third date, he had made it clear that he wanted to be exclusive; the thought made her heart flutter. She covered the bread with a cheesecloth to rise; she loaded the dishwasher while she waited, reminiscing on the past month. After their wonderful casual pizza date, Steve had stepped his game up.

Their second date was at a little Italian restaurant; they had a candlelit dinner with wine and laughter. The company was perfect; the conversation flowed easily.

Aubrey had ordered the chicken parmesan, which was amazing, and Steve ordered the chicken carbonara, which was also delicious. They shared bites off each other plates and enjoyed fried mozzarella stuffed ravioli, salad, and breadsticks as an appetizer. That night when Steve dropped Aubrey off at her building, he kissed her cheek, and just as he did before, he watched her walk into the building and to the elevator.

A week later, Steve fixed dinner at his house. They made homemade lasagna together; Steve made the pasta while Aubrey made the sauce. She loved Steve's kitchen, the concrete countertops, the iron and wood shelving, and the white tile backsplash. Aubrey noticed Steve touched her more, resting his hand on her hip as he reached around her, making her heart stutter. Or the way he stood behind her at the stove, his hand resting on her lower back. They sat across from each other, eating their meal, chatting about their day (What Steve was aloud to talk about at least). After dinner, they settled on Steve's couch to watch a movie; he didn't give her an option where to sit. The super soldier immediately tugged her down next to him; Aubrey smiled and blushed as he rested his arm behind her. And at the end of the night, just like he had done, Steve kissed her cheek, then waited for her to walk into the building.

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