F•O•U•R•T•E•E•N | Sexual Healing

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Hey guys!

Happy Tuesday!

I hope you all have a fantastic Thanksgiving this Thursday!

There's a bit of  *cough cough*  smut in this chapter 😉

As always, a big thank you to my lovely beta reader Jesse_Winter_Soldier

As always, don't forget to like this chapter and leave me a comment! Let me know your thoughts on Steve and Aubrey's first time!

Happy Reading!



Steve lays in bed propped up against the headboard, cool sheets pooled around his waist as he watches his beautiful girlfriend move around his bedroom getting dressed. Aubrey had spent the weekend at home with him, now it was Monday morning and she had to go to work. He thought her being in his apartment after their break would have been weird for both of them, but they fell easily into a domestic pattern. Steve was on restrictions, so he couldn't go running in the mornings or hit the gym in the basement of the apartment complex, so he settled for walking Kash. Most of the time Aubrey went with them, sometimes it was just him and the German Shepherd. They cooked together, watched movies, and sometimes they just sat in compatible silence, him sketching and her reading.

"Did you hear me?"

Steve looked up at her, a smile gracing her face. "I'm sorry, honey, could you repeat that?", he asked.

Aubrey giggled, shaking her head as she slid on her sneakers. "I made up sandwiches there in the fridge, along with some fruit salad and sliced vegetables.", she says, grabbing her coat, "I also made up some breakfast parfaits for you, and there are still some peanut butter protein bombs."

"You know I can fix my own food, right?", he asked with a playful edge to his voice.

Aubrey walked over to the bed; bending at the waist, she kissed him softly. "You could just say thank you.", she said, kissing his cheek. She blows him a kiss before slipping out of the bedroom.

"Thank you!", he hollers before hearing the front door click.

He sighs, stretching, looking to Aubrey's side of his bed. Kash lay there blinking up at him. "What are we going to do today?", he asks the canine.

Kash's eyes flicker over to the spirometer sitting on the bedside table, then back to Steve.

Steve laughs, "You are almost as bad as your mom, you know that?", he says to the German Shepherd as he reaches for the device. He grimaces at the thing before placing the clear mouthpiece in his mouth, taking a breath, then exhaling normally, watching the ball bounce around inside. He runs through the exercises Doctor B told him to do, Kash lying on the bed next to him, watching.


As Aubrey walks into the bakery, it's still reasonably early. She has enough time to get some frosting on the pumpkin cookies and get them in the display case.

"Holy shit, I wasn't sure Steve was going to let you out of bed.", Zak winks from the other side of the counter as he refills his coffee cup.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "Shut up.", she said, slipping past him into the kitchen.

Zak frowns as he follows her. "Wait, does that mean you guys still haven't boned yet?", he asks his friend, watching her pull her hair up into a bun before washing her hands.

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now