T•H•I•R•T•Y - T•W•O | I Was Made For Lovin' You

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Hey guys!

So we have two chapters left! 🥹 But don't worry I already have a kick-ass storyline for the second one all worked out! You guys are gonna love it!! I'm excited to write it!

I've already written the wedding chapter, currently working on the honeymoon 🌴👙🍹🥥🧉😉

Leave me some things you'd like to see on Steve and Aubrey's honeymoon.

Thank you for powering through this beta read Jesse_Winter_Soldier

As always leave me a like and drop some comments! 🖤🖤

Happy reading!



"I still can't believe Steve did this.",  Zak says wide-eyed as they walk up the steps to the hotel.

Aubrey sighed, adjusting her bag as she pushed the door open. "Come along, watch where you're going or you'll walk into someone.", she warned him.

Aubrey and Zak walk into the lobby of the hotel; it's gorgeous, it's massive, and it's a lot. Aubrey hasn't been in a hotel like this since her grandfather was alive, it was making her nauseous.

"Hello, welcome to The Plaza. Are we checking in?", a short graying man asked behind the massive front desk. His gold name tag says "Franklin".

Aubrey nodded, sitting down her bag. "Reservation is under Rogers.", she said, digging through her purse for the confirmation paper in case he needed it.

"Thank you, ma'am, just one moment, please.", he smiled at her and raised a curious brow at Zak, looking up at the ceiling.

Aubrey gave him a tight smile.

Franklin gave her a knowing smile, then turned his attention to the computer in front of him, fingers gliding over the keys before his right hand moved out to use the mouse, clicking away. "Reservation under a Steven G Rogers?", he confirms.

"Yes, that's correct.", Aubrey nods.

He looks back to the computer, his smile starts to fade into a frown, brows pulling together. "There seems to be a mix-up.", he sighs, fingers moving across the keys quickly, "I apologize about this, Mrs. Rogers, we've got a few conventions in town.", he grimaces.

Aubrey nods understandingly, "That's all right, it happens.", she says, reassuring the man.

"It looks like the double queen you're husband booked was doubled booked by mistake.", he leans in closer, "Let me see if I can just move you—Oh, for the love of—" he clears his throat, "The only room available is a single queen.", he sighs exasperated, looking at Aubrey with an apologetic face.

Zak snorts, "Wait, does that actually happen?", he asks, looking at a distraught Franklin.

"Unfortunately, it happens more often than you'd think. The blessing and curse of technology.", he says. He looks back to Aubrey, "Mrs. Rogers, I'd be happy to call around and find you other suitable accommodations; we will cover everything."

Aubrey waves it off, "Oh, that's very kind of you—"

"It's cool, we used to sleep together all the time.", Zak blurted behind her.

Aubrey closed her eyes for a moment gripping the counter tightly. "Thank you so much for trying.", she forced a smile, holding out her hand for the room keys.

A Sunday Kind Of Love | 18+  { Steve Rogers}Where stories live. Discover now