T•H•I•R•T•Y-O•N•E | Burning Love

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Happy Tuesday!

Oh my goodness just three more chapters! 🥹

Thank you Jesse_Winter_Soldier for beta reading, I appreciate you! 🖤

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Happy Reading!



The year was trickling by at such a fast pace, it didn't seem like it had been that long ago that they had celebrated Steve's birthday. Summer had come, and now it was well on its way out the door, making room for fall, and with fall came the wedding. The flowers were picked, the location set, the caterer booked, DJ hired, the photographer contacted, Steve and the fellas had suits, Morgan had her flower girl dress, and Sasha had her dress. The only thing missing was the cake and Aubrey's dress, was she panicked? Yes, she had two months until her wedding and she could not find her Say Yes to The Dress wedding dress, nor could she nail the recipe she wanted for their wedding cake.

She flips to an empty page in her notebook, the old worn grey notebook she uses for developing recipes. She has tried to nail down the perfect ratio for a simple lemon vodka syrup for the past week. She scribbles down what she used this time, she wants the tartness from the lemon to shine through with the sweetness of the vanilla bean cake she is pairing it with.

Kash has been lounging in the sunny spot before the sliding glass door, occasionally yawning and stretching as she mutters. She barely registers the front door opening until Kash skids down the hallway, barking happily and not bothering to look. It could only be one of a handful of people, Steve, Zak, Bucky, or Sam. Tony has come by once or twice when he's been in the area, Kash doesn't care much for Tony.

"Rogers, why is your pooch looking at me like I'm a snack?", Tony asked, frowning down at the canine.

Steve chuckles, "Kash is a good boy, aren't ya, pal?", Steve coos, scratching the German Shepherd's head. Kash's head is lolled back, eyes closed and tongue out, happily panting. Steve gets up to grab them a refill of their bourbons, patting the dog on the side once more before he's off.

"Uh huh.", Tony says, raising a brow and watching the dog. He's never been a fan of four-legged beasts, maybe it had to do with him never being allowed to have a pet growing up. His father said all they did was make messes, he's seen enough on tv to know that is true. But, on the other hand, animals offer unconditional love; he sees how this little wolfy is devoted to Aubrey and Steve. Maybe if he had had a pet growing up.....now is not the time to dive into his childhood trauma.

As soon as Steve leaves the room, Kash jerks his head in Tony's direction, mouth closed, big golden eyes watching him with interest.

"Just scratch behind his ears, Tony, he loves that!", Aubrey called from the kitchen where she was making lunch.

Tony slowly reaches out a hand, hovering over the canine. Kash sinks and bares his teeth a little, a growl rumbling deep in his chest. "Nope.", Tony jerks his hand back.

"Kash! Gotta potty?", Steve asks from the doorway.

The German Shepherd gives Tony an "I'm watching you look" before he walks towards the super soldier.

"Hell hound.", Tony mutters, sitting back on the couch.

Kash looks over his shoulder and growls lowly one more time at the billionaire before leaving the room.

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