Body Snatcher

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I looked up at the ceiling. I was confused at first, but sat up. I saw the sheriff's station. The cell was open and Felix was sitting there. Fel? He looked up, he was scared, and crying. He never cried, or got scared. He was clutching his chest some. Felix What's wrong?!? I asked standing up. Help me. He muttered, I went to run forward but the gate swung closed and when I skidded to a stop the scene changed I was in front of the wishing well, and Henry reached up plunging his hand into my chest. Peter Pan never fails.

I sat up gasping. I looked around my room and sighed. Relax, Hayes. I must before walking above deck. I saw Felix standing by a rail, leaning on it looking over. I smirked and stood nex to him. It's been a while since you've been on here. I said, I saw a smirk appear. This land of yours- Storybrooke? He looked over at me. Will the boys really be safe? I thought you didn't care. Since they betrayed Pan and all. I'm still the oldest. He said looking out and I nodded. Yeah they'll be fine. I said scooting a little closer. I was just staring out at everything. It's beautiful, isn't? I asked and I could feel him nodding as he scooted a little closer, I felt for his hand and took it. We just stood there for a minute he shivered all over and took his hand back. Sorry. I muttered and he shook his head. It's I who should he Sorry. He said and I just looked down.

I was leaning against Felix. Both of us talking when the others were talking quickly and loudly. They all were moving fast. What's wrong? We're about to hit the magic dome, unless we find a way to take it out. I looked over at Felix who smirked and I frowned some. but by his subtle nudge he knew I could do it. I stood as we neared it. I didn't want to take down the whole thing. I closed my eyes and pictured a long curtain. I wanted to open it. I opened my eyes and made an opening motion. We went through smoothly. I smiled some and Rumple nodded. Well done Ms. Jones. I looked back, Dad was just standing there, jaw slightly dropped his eyes looked like they were watering.

We landed everyone was happy and cheering. Everyone was happy to be back, and have people back. You should go, be with them. I looked at Felix and shook my head. We headed off the boat. So we have a really cool library, and a good diner called Granny's. He wasn't exactly happy with me just talking but didn't tell me to shut up. He just listened. After a minute he elbowed me. What? I asked and he sighed some. Hayes, go be with your family. You're annoyed. Frankly, I think you've been through a lot, remembering things you didn't want to. I sighed some and walked over to Dad. He looked over and smiled some before putting his arm around me, his fingers running through my brown curly hair. And I promise you, that'll be the last time we have to go to that hellish island. I smiled up at dad.

A little bit later, we were all still on the docks talking. Everything was fine until it wasn't. Hey! Mom, dad! I turned to see what Henry was doing. My stomach dropped as I had a bad feeling, he was standing next to Felix. What about Felix? He's still free. My stomach dropped and I stepped over some as the others walked over. I frowned somewhat horrified.  Henry's right. We can't just let Felix walk away freely.  What? I muttered my stomach dropping. I looked over at Felix. He seemed a little panicked. He made eye contact with me for a brief second. Oh, don't worry. We've got plenty of cell space for this guy. David said getting ahold of Felix and starting to walk away. Wait, David don't- Neal got ahold of my arm stopping me from walking after him. Hayes, this has to be done. I looked at Regina horrified and hurt. My eyes burned as they watered. I didn't understand why I wanted to cry, yes Felix was my friend, but this felt different. Oh, Hayes, come on. She said shaking her head. He worked for Pan. So did I. Whatever he has you believing right now to think he's a good guy, is a lie. He doesn't have me believing any lie. He's playing you. YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT! Let go of me. I snapped at Neal who frowned. Why? Because I said so, now let go or I swear I will curse you so hard your grandchildren will feel it. He let go and I poofed into my room.

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