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I had been missing for a week and two days. I had been stuck in a walk in closet of this guy's room at Granny's. I knew it had been that long, because Greg would leave newspapers in there, and I would see dates. I had missed Henry's 11th birthday, and I felt really upset. I was worried no one was looking for me, even though I saw my face plastered on newspapers. And apparently Amber alerts were being sent out about me. Giving my name, height, age, the last thing I was seen wearing, and where I went missing. It was only going to be a matter of time before they found me. Hopefully. The other weird part was he would occasionally put a sack over my head, and someone else would show up. This started two days prior. The other voice belonged to a woman. It was still clear in my head what happened.

Greg walked in, a black sack in his hand. Good evening. I looked up in the mirror and then to Greg. Are you ready to talk? I frowned before raising an eyebrow. Where's your book? What book? My source says there are two magical books here, one with the main story lines in them, and then another one, which has a story line to a different character. I raised an eyebrow even more. And you should know the location of it. Why? Because of your past. There was a knock and he threw the sack over my head. Ah so this is your specimen, that you've been hiding in your room closet. I didn't know of anywhere else to keep her. I heard pages being flipped. Hayes Breena Jones, born with magic and a dark mark to prove it. Last time I checked I didn't have a skull and snake on me. Oh no not that, the Cresent on you. I sighed some and the female continued. You were born on a cold fall night, when there was no moon and the sky and time seemingly stopped for a moment. I have no idea what your talking about, and or where you are getting this information. A night that was similar to someone else's birth, that you are linked to, tell me Hayes what do you remember from your mysterious past? I don't know what you mean? You were not always Hayes Jones. You're insane! I felt a fist meet my rib cage. If you don't tell us, we'll get it out one way or another. I couldn't tell them what they wanted, because I wasn't sure what they wanted, which prompted them to beat me up.

Along with that I kept getting strange dreams, that were more like memories. They always had those two people and I was always the same baby. I wanted out of there.  I was upset I couldn't just escape. We've already begun the work. I stopped moving when I heard Greg. It wasn't easy to catch the biggest piece of the puzzle but I finally did and- he opened the door. I saw dad standing there, I didn't say a thing, he stood there I watched several emotions wash over him. He was shocked at first, then angry then sad, back to angry. She is a child! Who has the devil in her. NO SHE- he sighed some. I think you are being a little rash, she is a child, magic or not, there should be some sort of moral there. We're trying to get information out of her, you should do the honors of breaking her. He looked down and sighed. Go, I only work alone, wait out in the hall. He nodded once and walked out. How could you?!? I snapped and he shushed me some. What happened? I was trying to help Neal and Emma find Henry and he got me, they've been torturing me for a while now and you're HELPING them. He sighed some crouching in front of me sighing, his hand on the back of my neck. Our foreheads resting on eachothers. I'm so sorry, Hayes. Dad- I an so sorry. He said looking at me his hand around my arm now. I just looked at him some before I nodded some and he stood. You know what I have to do? I nodded about to cry, as he was also about to cry. I braced for impact, just to make it look like he did something to me.

It was starting to get dark out. I heard someone coming back into the room, the door opened and it was Greg. What I don't understand is how you withstood a pirate beating, you and still didn't break. I don't break. I said as he stood me up. Where are we going? To a new place, that isn't this closet. I frowned but got dragged to a car and loaded into the trunk.

I was tied to a chair. I frowned some as Regina got tied to a table. What are you doing here? I asked and she sighed. Same as whatever you are doing here. I frowned but got a weird feeling. This whole time you've been here. No I've been in a closet at Granny's. I said and she sighed. Why haven't you escaped yet? It's all about opportunities, and I just haven't had many.  She kinda hummed some. You mean you're out of practice. I just sighed some, and stiffened up when the sack got thrown over my head. Move. Greg snapped as he stood me up. I stumbled to a different room and I was put down in a chair. Hayes Jones... you wanna know how we know about you? The woman asked I rolled my eyes. Cause you're psycho cultists who want to kill magical beings? It's because our boss, at home office, told us about people to look out for. Great so a psycho Cult leader knows about me. But they said to treat you as a threat, but I don't see why. I cocked my jaw. So we're gonna do a little testing.

I walked in as Tamara stood Hayes up, and tied her to a support beam, she still had a sack over her head. What are you doing? What we need to do, we need to see why we have to treat her as a threat. I looked down as they used some sort of machine to electrocute her. She didn't scream she just gritted her teeth and took it. I shook my head turning my back. They turned it off and they were frowning. Fine, that doesn't hurt you, we can try other things. And it won't work. She said and I turned she looked at me dead in the eyes. I was used as a child for a lot worse, things that scarred me. Try one more thing, I dare you. Greg raised a gun. What're you doing? I snapped some and flinched as the gun went off, it went right for her but there was a gold orb that dashed in front of her, and surrounded her, and the bullet desolved. What in the name of- I think we found why they said treat her like a threat.


I had been put into the other room again. I still had the sack over my head. I looked up in the direction of the door as someone walked in. Who's there? I asked as I had the sack over my head. Someone crouched and jerked the sack off. Dad? I'm here to rescue you, love. You're working for them, though. I may be working for them, but they don't get to hurt you. He said as he cut the last rope. Hayes, you have to get somewhere safe. But- just go, Caribbean. He said shoving me lightly to the door. But- they don't know I'm your father, therefore they will not suspect me. I said the last time someone hurt you I would not sit by and let them, and I failed. Dad-Hayes, hit me. I frowned. Make it look convincing, so I can give you a head start. I'm so sorry, dad. I said before punching him as hard he stumbled some and fell over as he tripped and I took off. SHE'S GETTING AWAY! dad screamed coming out I stopped on the dock long enough to see Greg come running out. He had a gun, he aimed and I ducked as I ran. I had to make it away from there. I could hear his feet pounding behind me. I heard a shot go off that I dodged. I kept dodging and finally I stumbled into a back alley and poofed across the street. I peaked out and heard him going down that alley loudly. I sighed and ran up the stairs to Archie's office and I started pounding. The door opened and his eyes went huge. Hayes?!?

What happened?!? Tamara snapped. Regina was laying there with a smug smirk on her face as these two had lost a powerful piece of leverage over me, and they didn't even know it. She must've slipped her ropes, she clocked me. These ropes were cut! Greg snapped. I took all her weapons. Hayes, is a difficult prisoner to keep. Regina said and she smiled fully. She always finds a way to escape. They looked at me frowning. You were her guard. She may he small, but she packs a punch. Home office won't be pleased we lost her. We have to find her. I stood there even after they turned away. So, you do have a heart, you let her go. I looked at Regina. She's my child, of  course I'd let her go. You better hope they don't find out. I looked down and turned away.

I love you, Emma Swan. No matter what you've done.
-Killian Jones

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