Off To Neverland *PRT 2*

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Harry and I looked up from the hatch as Father said it was a pirates life for the boy. Who's- Harry slapped a hand over my mouth and put a finger to his lips. We frowned. Come on. He muttered as he backed up. I backed up but knocked something over. Damn. Harry muttered and the hatch opened. Really, you two I raised you better. Father said pulling us out of the hatch by the backs of our shirts. The boy looked at us shocked. If you spy on someone, don't let them catch you. So I'm not the first child you have stolen! I frowned some, before Father picked me up. No, I did not steal them. Harry you'll be sharing your room with Bae. He turned pale and nodded once. Yes father. And for you, young lady. He said and smiled. It's tike for bed.

I ran off to the beach. I sat there numb. I couldn't believe he was gone. I was shaking and almost in tears. Emma told me at the hospital and I ran. I hugged my legs, not paying attention to whoever just walked up and sat next to me. Hayes? Snow please don't. I muttered and she sighed. I understand- no you don't. I snapped not looking at her. I grew up hating Neal, the last thing he said to me in our world was he wished I was never born, or I was dead. I looked down. He spent the last couple of days trying to make up for that statement, and the last thing I said to him, was I was his half sister. I looked over at Snow. And I can never take that back. Snow pulled me into a hug and sighed. What can we do? I want my dad. I said and she nodded some. Alright, we'll try to find hook but- I shook my head. I just want my dad. Alright.

I had gone into the bathroom to calm down and I heard dad. I frowned and came out. Dad? Hayes. I jogged over and hugged him. I then shoved away from him and punched him. Ah bloody hell! We both snapped I was holding my left hand and he felt the corner of his mouth. Hayes I raised you better you punch with a flat fist not full second knuckle. I know. I muttered shaking it out. Seriously?!? You taught her how to hit?!? Of course. He muttered and I shook my head. What is the plan? I asked and Emma looked over. David and your father are going to go get the beans from Greg and Tamara, Snow and Henry are rounding people up and Regina and I are going to slow down the crystal. I'll go with Charming and dad. No, you go with Snow. Absolutely not. I snapped poofing my back up sword to me. Hayes. I looked at Dad. I am coming whether either of you like it or not, we don't have time for arguing now let's go. Dad just looked at the others mouth gapped. Hook. Emma snapped and he shook his head. I can't control her.

A hand covered my mouth. I woke up and saw Father standing over me, his hand was the one over my mouth. The boy also known as Bae was standing there. He let go and I frowned. What's going on? I need you to go with Bae. I frowned some. Why? Hayes just go, and stay quiet. I nodded some. Come on Hayes. Bae said picking me up and running back to Harry's room. Harold. Harry looked over. You know what to do. He nodded and pulled the hatch up, he jumped down and took me from Bae. Hide. I went and hid behind Barrels. Bae pulled the hatch down as he got down there. Both Harry and Bae hid between some boards in a crawl space. The two were looking at me as I frowned. We all looked up as boots hit the deck. What's happening? Both of them shushed me. Just stay quiet. I frowned but did as someone stormed into the room. Just me crew. I heard father say I frowned but froze as the hatch opened. Harry shook his head and I screamed as a hand came down on my shoulder and I got pulled up. FATHER! I yelled as I got held above the ground. That's my daughter I thought she was in bed. The tall blonde boy just stood there for a minute. Let her go. He muttered but it didn't do a thing. I said LET HER GO! The blonde boy yelled before getting me away from the other one. He kept a tight hold on my arm. Are there any other children on board? I told you- not you, I'm asking the girl. He said before crouching. What's your name? H-Hayes. Well Hayes? Are there any others on board? I shook my head. He let go and I ran to father, who picked me up. And as quickly as they came they left father sat me down and went and opened the hatch. The boys climbed out and I smiled some.

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