Side Lines

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I held in a giggle in as I hid in a cubby hole under Father's bed. I heard father in my room. I heard his boots hitting the wooden floor, coming into his cabin. Hayes? I covered my mouth as I threatened to laugh. It was a game you see, one that I would start and he wouldn't know it was a game at first but would figure it out. He sighed and sat down on his bed. Fine guess I'll just go to sleep then, and keep the surprise for myself. He muttered I frowned some and opened the door to the cubby. I climbed out and stood up. A surprise? For who? I asked frowning my bottom lip stuck out some as I pouted, because he didn't answer. He had his eyes closed and was laying on his bed, his hand-and hook- under his head. I got on the bed, I stood on my knees. Father! I whined shaking him some, he opened one eye hiding a smirk. Well, look who magically showed up. What surprise? Oh no, I'm much too tired to talk about that right now. He said closing his eye again. But fattherrr! I exclaimed flopping over on him. I screamed and started laughing as his arms wrapped around me quickly, as he sat up. He adjusted me so I was facing him. So what surprise? He smirked. You wanna see? I nodded and he stood picking me up, he walked over to the table sitting me down on it, he then turned to a black scabbard which was hanging from the chair. Happy birthday, Caribbean. I frowned some. A sword? Yes. But I don't know how to fight. He smirked. I thought it was time you learned, Hayes.

I woke up and looked around frowning at the ceiling. Ah, welcome back to the land of the living, Ms. Turner. I frowned at Wales some. What happened? We'll talk about that in a minute, right now I have to contact Sheriff Swan, or Mary Margaret. I looked down some as he walked out of my room.

Today, we'll be going slow. Father said as he knelt in front of me showing me how to secure the scabbard to me properly. We'll just be learning form and maybe a little fighting, depending on how quickly you pick up on the form. He said before standing up and smiling some. Come on. He said taking my hand and started out of the cabin to go on deck. What if I fail? You will fail, but that is apart of learning. I looked up at father and frowned some. Really? He nodded. But I'm sure you'll be a natural.

Dani! I looked up from my homework as Mary Margaret and Emma both came in. Hi. I said smirking as they both took a seat next to me. Emma sat on my bed to my left Mary Margaret sat in the chair to my right after placing get well soon balloons on my table. How're you feeling? Tired, what happened? You had an asthma attack they said it was triggered by the temperature change. How long do I have to stay here? A couple of days. I looked down some. Hey, it'll be ok. I nodded some but felt let down. Is there anything you want or need from the apartment? Emma asked and I nodded. What? My laptop. Ok Dan, we can get that for you. Thanks.

Forms had gone smoothly, the crew kept say how impressed they were that an eight year old could pick forms up that quickly. Of course she can, she is my daughter after all. Father said, but he probably wanted to take that back, as when he started some fighting, my form started to decrease, and get sloppy. It was easy to disarm me. About the third time I made a noise standing up. Hayes- this is hopeless! I'm hopeless! I snapped before walking away to the cabins. I went to my room and climbed onto my bed and sat there hugging my knees. I gave up.

Hey Dani. I looked up at Henry. He had a stuffed animal and a card in his hand. Heard you had an asthma attack, so I got you this. I smirked some and took them. Thanks, Henry. He sighed some sitting on my bed. Mom tore down the castle. What?!? I snapped sitting up and he nodded. Why?!? It got ruined in the storm, and she said it was dangerous. Could it have been fixed? He shrugged some. Maybe, but worst part is, my book was buried there, and now it's gone. Oh Henry, that- sucks I know! I sighed some and he frowned. So what caused the attack? Temp change. Wow.

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