Hansel and Gretel

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Sometime had passed. Staying with Mary Margaret and Emma was a lot better than the last few weeks at Granny's had been. My homework was actually getting done, my grades were actually climbing, I was thriving again. But this also reminded me, before this, I had two failed homes, and it was only a matter of time before this one failed.

I was walking down the side walk when I saw Henry and Regina. Hey Henry. He looked up and then down. I saw the sheriff's car and frowned. W-what happened? I got pinned for shop lifting. He said and Regina just glared at me some. Emma is dealing with it now. He said gesturing to the sheriff patrol car. Right. I muttered and Henry looked back over at me. You wanna hang out later or-Henry let's go. Regina snapped and he sighed. I gotta go, see you around Dani. He left and about that time Emma came out. Dani what are you- I just wanted to get out for a little bit. I said and she sighed some gesturing to the two kids. I have to drop these two off, head home ok? But- Dan. I frowned some, she had never called me Dan. It took forever for people to call me Dan. O-ok. I said backing up.

I walked to Father's cabin and leaned against the door frame as father readjusted his vest. I frowned some as he managed to button the vest. Where are you going? Out. I looked down, I knew what that meant. The tavern, right? Hayes- why must you always go there?!? I asked as I pulled my lips in. I knew that tone would get me in trouble. He turned and looked at me. He wanted to yell, but at the same time he didn't, the look he gave me was the same one he'd give me when he understood something I felt, but wouldn't talk about it. I'll be back later, before the moon is in the west. He said before putting his hand ontop of my head. I raised an eyebrow while smirking, mimicking his expression. And don't wait up, I expect you in bed before to much longer. I nodded. yes Father. He kissed my forehead and headed out but stopped. Oh and Hayes. I looked at him. Stay out of the water. I smiled nodding. Of course. He walked off and I had no intention to stay out of the water.

I was sitting on the couch reading when the door opened. Emma came in with those two kids. My stomach dropped and twisted. I didn't know why but I felt this gut twisting feeling. The same feeling I got when Henry found Emma and she stayed. It was jealousy. I didn't understand why I felt jealous I had no reason to. I looked back down at my book. I tried to brush off the feeling but couldn't shake it. Anyway they were sitting there as Emma came up with a game plan. I mean she already had one, find their dad. But she needed to think of how to go about that. The oldest aka Ava looked at me. Your mom seems really cool. I looked up frowning. What? The sheriff. Emma's not my mom, I just live here currently. I said standing up putting my hoodie back on and walking to the door. Currently? No one wants me. I said walking out.

I came above the water and looked around. The moon had been in the west for sometime, and father wasn't back yet. I looked down at the blue scales where my legs should have been. Down side of being me. A pirate, who got cursed to become this, anytime I touched water. I had to use this bracelet at all times to keep myself from turning into this. Up side, I could go scavenging for anything from old ship wrecks, or the sea floor for shells. I sighed some and did a quick time check. It had to have been around 3:35 in the morning based on the moons position, and father wouldn't even try to stumble back to the ship until 5:00. I had time to scrape the floor one more time.

I walked around in town. I couldn't get the nagging feeling away. I hated the fact I still said that no one wanted me. Maybe Emma did. But the likely chance of that was low, she gave Henry up. I looked down this felt like a stab in the back to him, like Hey your mom didn't want you but took me in. But I knew it was only until they found somewhere else for me. That's what she had said. So no she didn't want me, and now she was helping these two. Dani! I turned and saw Archie. I looked where I was standing. Are you alright? I had been standing outside his office. I don't know. Come inside. I don't have an- just come talk, don't worry about an appointment. I walked up to his office and sat on the couch. So Dani, how's everything since the last time we talked? I shrugged some and he frowned. Are things fine with Emma and Mary Margaret? I nodded and he kept frowning. Is something the matter? I sighed some and started spilling about the two kids and how I felt. But the worst part is I have no reason to be jealous I'm literally there until she finds somewhere to dump me off with some other unlucky soul, so I shouldn't even be jealous... I mean she doesn't want me, no one does. Dani, I need you to listen to me. I looked up and he sighed. You need to understand, that you're in a delicate situation right now, you left a home you'd been in for some time. I looked down. I think at this point, you are just desperate for someone to keep you. I wanted to cry. And feeling that way can come in several different forms of emotions, and that's Ok! Its all natural! You just have to understand how to separate your feelings to fully understand them, and so you don't have these random outbursts.

I was swimming still, it was 4:15 everything was fine until I heard it through my shell. Hayes Breena, get yourself on this ship right now. I frowned some but knew I was done for. I swam up and looked up at his window. A net got dropped and I grabbed it and felt him pulling the net up. When I hit the room floor he tossed a blanket at me. What the devil were you thinking?!? He snapped as I dried off after slapping the bracelet on. I couldn't sleep. I said standing up as the tail desolved. I told you to stay out of the damn water and you just go in?!? I was just-WHAT IF SOMEONE HAD SEEN YOU?!? NO ONE EVER DOES! He frowned some. I AM NEVER SEEN OUTSIDE THIS DAMNED BOAT! What did you just- I AM SICK AND TIRED OF THIS FATHER! I sighed some. I'm a rumor, a whisper no one hardly sees me with you, so of course Hayes Jones isn't a real person, because you're always on land in the damn tavern getting drunker than you already are, you said you'd be back before the moon was into the west well the sun is going to be rising soon! And you yell at me for going into the water, try holding the end of your deal before you come at me. I snapped before walking out of his room.

I went to the beach and sat down in the sand. I felt like crying. I was angry or I think I was. Archie saw right through my wall. I had walls to protect me, to mask how I felt and he just knocked those down. I hugged my knees watching the water about to cry. I remembered a few things about my bio parents. My mom sucked, and my dad was amazing. I always remembered this smile, one that felt rare, and was warm. I got even angrier, no it wasn't anger. It was pain. It felt like being stabbed. I screamed. I screamed as loud as I could before stopping and crying more.

I sat in the lookout. The sun was coming up. I saw Father's head pop up. Love. I rolled my eyes while twirling my dagger. He sat down and sighed. Things got pretty out of hand down stairs. They always do. He looked down and nodded. I'm sorry, you're right. I looked at him annoyed. You always say that. He just looked at me. I've been hearing I'm sorry since I was four. He took a breath in but let it out, without saying anything. Can I even fix things at this point? I shrugged shaking my head some. I don't know. The day you got cursed was the hardest day of my life, we live on a bloody ship. I looked over at him from the corner of my eye. I just wanted to keep you safe, that's what I thought I was doing. You're just hurting me more than you already do. Aye, I suppose I am. He muttered and he sighed before getting on the ladder to climb down. For what it's worth, you can go into the water whenever you like, just try to stay hidden and be back before to late. He said before climbing down to the deck. I looked over and frowned some, he hadn't ever given me some slack in the reins.


The sun had long since gone down, but I still sat on the beach. I looked down at my legs some as I hugged my knees loosely. Daenerys! I looked up and over Emma was running down the beach. I stood up and she grabbed my arms. What are you doing?!? Mary Margaret called and said you still weren't home and- she sighed letting go. I thought, you left. She said evening her tone out. No, I just- what's the matter with you? I shook my head some shrugging. You won't understand. You're right I won't, unless you tell me. I'm tired of moving homes, I'm tired and frustrated of feeling like no one wants me, I'm tired of thinking about the fact my parents abandoned me, and I get sick to my stomach every time I think about the fact I don't know what happened to my brother and- I choked some. I just want someone to want me. She sighed and pulled me into a hug. Dani breathe, I know that feeling. Does it get better? I wish I could say yes, that it gets better, but it doesn't ever go away. The feeling might mild over time, but it never fully goes away. She pulled back and looked at me. But over time you find your armor, so you don't expose yourself and every little nerve. I swallowed hard and she sighed some. You just toughen up. I nodded and she smirked sadly. Let's go home, alright? I nodded again and we headed to the car. Besides there's a new person here and I don't know what to think about him yet. I stopped. Someone new? I asked horrified she frowned nodding. Don't tell me you believe in the curse too. Not really, but I do know, people don't just come into Storybrooke. She frowned some and I shook my head. Ever.

Hey guys! Sorry for the long gap between parts. I went on break for a little bit, a break I needed. But here you go, the new part is here and out.

And now the saying of the day

Even with all the time in the world, somethings can't be forgiven.

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