Pieced Together

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We were sitting there and Emma sighed. So that was the first home? I nodded some and I sighed. He wasn't always like that, what I mean was he wasn't always- crazy? I nodded and I sighed. It went like this, before me I guess his wife and daughter died in some tragic accident, and to try to put pieces back together he agreed to take me in. What happened? Most of the time there is that click with foster families, and I just didn't click with him, he wasn't terrible but I just didn't make the click. Emma nodded some. So I guess he kinda lost it. That's- sad I know. So then you came to Granny's and what lost that click? I never had the click. I said standing she frowned some. Bathroom. Right.


I frowned some. I knew what it was like not clicking with a family. Here's another coke for- Ruby frowned. Can I ask you something about Dani? She nodded and sat down. She said she's never really clicked with a family. She wasn't happy with Jefferson, and she wasn't all that happy here, but I have to say, this is the happiest I've seen her in years. What? After she moved in with you two, it's like looking at a completely different Dani, one I haven't seen in a while.


I was taken to the apartment and I went up the stairs. Ok, you need anything before I go? No I'm good. I said and Emma nodded. Just please, stay put. Of course. I muttered sitting on the couch. Emma left. I sighed some and grabbed my book and frowned as I kept reading the same nine chapters over and over again. But stopped, I looked at the coffee table and saw Henry's book. I grabbed it and flipped to a page. I looked at it, it had the girl Hayes and this man. I frowned some and grabbed my sketch book out of my bag and opened it to the one I did of the one man. I frowned some as I ran a finger over the image. Who is he? I muttered frowning.

Captain Killian Jones. I heard father say to someone I frowned some before looking up. Harry was dangling from a mast upside down and father was standing there. I walked over and father turned. Ah, there's your sister. What are you doing? Trying to teach him to sail but he has no interest. I would want to learn. Hayes, I don't know you're very small. Pleaseeee! Alright, alright. He smiled some. But I'm still captain, son, so get off my sail. Yes Father. He started down and father got him upright again. I laughed as Harry wobbled some.

Emma had found a shovel shard and she was going to prove that it was Regina's. Emma this is insane. I said into the phone. I got up and put my jacket on walking out. I knew where she was heading. I had to get to the school, to Emma before she got herself to far into Regina's grasp.

Father was standing in front of the wheel. He pulled a crate up and put me on it. I leaned back against him him. Alright so when steering you have the right, which is starboard. I nodded some. Left is Port. I looked back at him and he sighed. Whenever you've heard me or anyone say two notches starboard it means we're going just two notches to the right. Or means there is incoming on the right. Exactly, now face the helm. I turned back around and he put my hands on the wheel. Go three notches starboard, and then one notch port. He held onto my right hand and turned the wheel with me, and waited some before going one to the left. I laughed some and I felt father hum some. He did that when he had to be serious and hold in a laugh. I frowned some as I felt a bump. Father? He looked up. Rocks! Dead ahead! How we're in the middle of- we reached a shallow point. Father said doing an impossible minover, and missing the rocks by just an inch. That was close. He muttered but then looked up. We're not in the clear yet. Father? British Navy.

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