Broken Curse *Prt 2*

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I sat there trying to get the knot in the rope around my wrists untied. I had to get them untied. I sighed some and looked over the phone was still here. I managed to fall on my left side and kinda wiggle to it and get ahold of it. I had to get the battery back into the phone to call for help. This would have been easier had I been able to get my hands free, but the knot was tied pretty good. I got the phone battery in. Granny's, I needed to call August he'd know what to do. The phone rang and rang and finally he picked up. H-hello? August is me, it's- it's Dani I'm in trouble. You and me both. He winced and I felt like I was gonna cry. I'm trapped in a secret volt at the cemetery, in Regina's family tomb, I need help please! I can't help you, I'm- he winced some but I knew I wasn't getting help. Please. Call- the line went dead. August?!? AUGUST! DAMN! I started crying more.

By the time on the clock it was getting late, no one had noticed I was gone. But I knew what Regina's plan was, I heard her say it to Jefferson. Emma wouldn't notice because she'll be asleep, and Everyone will think she ran away from town because there will be no trace of her. I have to get out. I muttered as Regina's phone beeped and gave the low battery pop up. No, no please. I muttered but the screen shut off. I looked around at what was in here, that I could use to get out of here. I was running out of time.

I had my eyes closed. I wish I had my backpack. I muttered and it dawned on me. I kept thinking about my backpack. Army green denim feel, that had pins on it and my name card on it so I didn't lose it at school. The chipped paint on the zippers. I want my back pack. I muttered. My head hurt, my nose started running but I heard a thump next to me and I looked over. Wow. I muttered sliding to my back pack and grabbing my scissors out of my bag. Really glad I didn't get safety scissors. I muttered as I started cutting the rope around my wrists. It was awkward to hold but I knew it was the only way out.

I came running out of the building and I laughed some. It had taken me basically all night to get out of there I wiped my nose as it was bleeding. Now I gotta find Regina. I muttered before grabbing my phone. I called Mary Margaret who didn't answer so I didn't bother with a message I had to get to the hospital.

I came in to Mary Margaret with Henry she was reading to him.  I frowned and walked in. What happened? I asked she turned her jaw dropped. Daenerys where have you been?!? What's wrong with Henry? Honey he's- she sighed some and shook her head. We thought you ran off from town. She said about to cry and I looked down. I- Dani? I looked over at Wales and he sighed. I'll get her checked out. I nodded and walked with him. What happened? Where did you go? I just- your wrists they're bruised, like you were bound. I shook my head. I didn't notice before. I muttered and he frowned. Daenerys this is serious what happ- DOCTOR WALE! I heard beeping. I ran in and saw the screen hooked to Henry. His heart rate is dropping. Everything slowed down and echoed and I could hear screaming when arms wrapped around me. I thought it was Mary Margaret but soon found out it was actually me. We were taken out of the room. Mary Margaret held me as I fought trying to get to Henry he was my best friend. I jerked away and ran out as they were shaking their heads.

I sat on the beach shaking and crying. Out of everyone Henry, he had been there. He always was and I knew I could always rely on him.

I sat there in the corner as the kids from the older class picked on me. I just hugged my legs and held back tears. I had a stutter due to my late speech development, and probably because I had, had so many concussion. Hey! I looked up and they had turned. Just leave her alone. They were gonna laugh but then stopped as I heard someone else come up. Henry? You weren't waiting by the- the kids ran and I looked up. Bet that feels better, not being surrounded. I kinda nodded and he frowned. My names Henry. He said holding out his hand I bit my lip. Can't you talk? I nodded some and sighed. I'm D-Daenerys. I said taking his hand and getting up he smiled. Cool, hey mom, Can my friend come over for dinner? I frowned at him some and the Mayor turned. I don't see why not. Cool, come on she's making lasagna. S-sounds good. You'll love it Dani. I frowned some and he frowned to. What? No one's ever called me Dani before. Well I need something to call you, I mean you are my friend.

I screamed, my best friend was dead. He died. The only person who believed in me, and was always consistent, even when he found Emma he was still my friend, that was all gone now. He had left me behind. No he had been ripped away. I hugged my knees and closed my eyes sobbing, when I felt something hit me

It was like waking up from a bad dream, I suddenly wasn't just Dani and I wasn't the grey area either. I stood up and I smiled laughing. She did it. I muttered before my smile faded. I ran back up through the woods and made it to the road I saw a truck coming and I ran into the road waving it down. The person slammed on their brakes and got out. Hayes?!? David?!? He pulled me into a hug which I gladly took. What are you doing out here?!? It's a long story I need a ride back to town. Get in.

David found snow and they started kissing I cleared my throat. You are in public. They looked at me and Snow about cried and smiled. Hayes. She held her arms out and I hugged her, everyone was a crying mess, I pulled away from them. Emma, she did it. They looked at me and then eachother. I then looked up. Bloody hell, not agen. Your accent. Yeah but there is smoke coming at us. They looked over behind them and saw it coming. This can't be good. I muttered and just stood there as it engulfed me and the others.

To be continued...

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