This, is the story of how I die... I'M KIDDING! I don't die, well, sorta. It's actually a fun story, though. There's sword fighting, true love, and Evil Curse *cough* several curses *cough* excuse me I need to get that checked out. daring rescues th...
The portal felt like riding out a storm. Las time we went through one dad had made us take cover. And now I understood why. Finally we came out of the portal. The ship literally flew straight up. I held in a scream as it reminded me of this ride Henry made me get on, one time. As soon as it hit the water surface I untied myself and smirked as everyone was quite shocked this old navel ship held through that. I patted the mast. Well done old girl. I muttered and turned to see why everyone seemed a little off. A shutter went down my spine, there it was, the island seemed darker than I remembered. Alright. I muttered as I walked towards the helm. I looked around and felt my stomach flipping. Orders? He just looked at me, and my expression. Um, check ropes, and wait for my signal. I nodded and headed off.
*** I was sitting on the side when I heard dad whistle once. I turned and jumped off before heading to main sail. I untied and pulled it up half way, and held it there. I looked back and he nodded and I tied it off before heading to the others. What's happening? We're slowing down. I said to Snow and she frowned. Why? Because dad said to. But- look when he says to do something on this ship, you do it, because if you don't something could happen. I said before pulling the last one and heading below deck. I went down to Harry's room and was looking around when Emma came down. Oh sorry. She said and I shook my head shrugging. It's fine. I thought you'd be up on the deck, helping your dad. I just needed a minute. She sighed some as I sat down on one of the beds. Do you wanna talk about it? Neal, my brother died, that's all. If you need to talk-no, I don't. I snapped before standing up and walking out to my room
I was standing in skull rock, again I frowned. HAYES! HELP ME! I went to run forward but I stopped. HAY! I looked behind me and Neal was standing there Tamara behind him I was equal distance to both. Pan stepped into view. Decisions, decisions. I frowned at him as he sort if circled me. You can only save one. HAYES! Your brother, who's last act was to save you, or him, the brother who betrayed you and wished you ill. Which one will it be? Tick tock Hayes. I went to say something but the gun went off it hit me instead of Neal and I got a weird flash of Storybrooke, purple smoke, and Felix smiling for a minute and the next turning lifeless.
I sat up almost screaming but the ship was rocking and something was ramming into it. I jumped up and ran down the hall literally running into Emma and dad. Hayes, get the harpoons ready. Dad- now Hayes! I ran off with him, Emma was a little bit behind us. I could- NO! I frowned some but went above deck and started grabbing harpoons. What's down there? A shark? A whale? Emma asked. A kraken?!? David asked I heard the shrieking. Mermaids. Dad said. Mermaids?!? Yes and they're quite unpleasant. Hey. I muttered and shook my head. We must've gotten too close to the Lagoon. I said before I went up to the helm. Dad, I can help just let me- NO! He got ahold of my arm and lowered his voice he was inches from me. I spent centuries protecting you from exposure for what you are, human you appear to be so HUMAN you will be. He snapped I shook my head. I can't believe you'd rather your ship get capsized than let me help! I CAUGHT ONE! I looked over frowning. What? I muttered as Regina scared them away with a couple fireballs. There now they're all gone. Not all of them!what about that one?!? In a blink she poofed the net and the mermaid on deck. I looked at dad, who was just as stunned.
Do you know what could happen if you are seen?!? I looked up at father in tears. Sailors or fishermen could catch you, you'd be used as a freakshow, Hayes or worse, you could and most likely would be killed! But father I just want to- ENOUGH! You aren't leaving this room till I find a solution. And what happens if you don't find one?!? He just looked at me and then walked out.
GET THAT THING OFF MY SHIP! I looked at dad and frowned some but I didn't fight. Human you appear to be, so HUMAN you will be! I snapped out of it when I heard a horn, she had blown into a conch shell. What the hell was that? A warning. Now let me go, or die. I looked at dad and he shook his head some. I then looked up at the storm rolling in. The storm, she called it! I frowned some shaking my head as dad said something about leverage. I don't think she summoned it. I muttered and dad just frowned some. He seemed almost confused but was snapped out of it when Charming put a sword to the Mermaids throat. That's it Charming Falay the bitch. I looked up as the thunder rolled more. I looked at dad and he looked at me. Hang on! I'm gonna turn around, I've out run many storms. DAD THE SAILS! He looked at me and then the sails. Watch them, if the lines start crossing pull them, get the top two on the main up. I nodded and ran down, and started climbing. I was to the first look out landing and climbing when the ship jerked. WE'RE TAKING ON WATER! I looked down and over by dad and sure enough there was water coming in. Come on old lass don't do this now. REGINA WHAT DID YOU DO?!? I looked down again the mermaid was a mahogany statue. I looked over and there was a giant wave. HAYES! I started climbing down, but the force of the wind and the wave crashing over knocked me off the mast. I couldn't even scream. I hit something hard and slid. I pushed up some coughing up water. Hayes! I looked up shaking my hair out of my face, some of it stuck to me. Are you ok?!? I nodded jumping up. And getting to my feet. I had to help dad. I turned for a minute as Snow and Regina were fighting. I shook my head. Hayes! I ran to dad and he frowned. Start paling water over. I nodded and grabbed a metal bucket and started dumping it over the side. I winced as I rammed into the railing of the ship as it jerked again. I looked back, Emma and dad both were fighting with the wheel I heard a snapping noise and I looked up and saw the rope snap I jumped over and grabbed it but it stung the rope was ripping out of my hands. I fell backwards and opened my hands, they were bloodied and red from the rope. HAYES THE SAILS! I nodded and poofed up to the first landing and started up a rope ladder. I reached for the rope right as Lightning hit my rope I let go and fell backwards, my foot catching in the rope. I watched the scene Below of Snow and Regina fighting. I got my dagger sat up holding onto a different rope and cut myself free. I went to grab the rope and managed to get it tied down. I poofed down and stumbled as the ship rocked more. I looked up and saw dad fighting with Charming. Dad! I ran up got hit by Charming. STOP IT! I yelled trying to pull them apart. GET OFF OF ME HAYES! Dad yelled before shoving me back into the mast. My head hit and my ears were ringing. I stood and Emma was struggling to get the ship under control. I jumped in next to her. ARE YOU ALRIGHT?!? She yelled over at me. I nodded some eyeing dad and Charming. Charming was trying to use dad's hook against him I squeaked some feeling like I was going to cry. STAY WITH THE WHEEL! Emma yelled at me as she ran and jumped onto the side holding onto a rope. Emma?!? She was trying to get their attention. But in the end when they noticed she had decided to jump in. I stood there at the helm shocked.
Father! I snapped running up above deck as we had scraped some rocks, and the storage area was filling with water. We're taking on water. He looked at me and shook his head. We're too far from shore. Drop the anchor I can fix it. Hayes- I shook my head. I'm sorry. What? DROP THE ANCHOR NOW! Smee nodded and they dropped it. I turned and jumped in. HAYES!
I took my bracelet off hanging it on the wheel and running. Hayes?!? I looked over at him. HAYES NO! I jumped and Swan dove in. I hit the water and swam down I felt myself turning and I just let it happen. I started swimming and found Emma, she was unconscious. Emma?!? Wake up! Please! I went to do a thing mermaids could do. It's called the breath of life it temporarily gives someone the ability to breathe underwater, however someone jumped in. They swam at me and tried to hit me I let go and held my hands up. David it's me! It's Hayes. He grabbed Emma and they got them up. I came up and smiled as the storm had stopped. YES! I jumped and did a flip landing in the water. The mermaids are back?!? A rope landed over the side and I grabbed it before being pulled up I landed on the deck and sat up. They all looked at me, and then to eachother. Dad threw a blanket over me. Where is it?!? He snapped his face a little red. On the wheel. I muttered We went and got it and came back sticking it on me. I stood up as my legs came back. I kept the blanket tightly around me.
*** I went to grab a couple of things before we left. The ship had been damaged enough we couldn't do the original plan. I was grabbing weapons when the door opened. Hayes-I know I deliberately disobeyed you, and I shifted right in front of everyone. I said as I grabbed my sword putting it on. And you're so angry cause what if they do what they did to the other- no, I'm proud of you. I frowned and looked over at dad as I put a quiver onto my back. You were the only other one besides Emma who wasn't fighting and you managed to help save her, and foe that I'm proud. You said in the Enchanted Forest it was fine if I did that. But it's been so long, Hayes, I'm not sure if it's a good idea. At least let me, in emergencies. I said grabbing my bow. Hey, you two good down here? I smirked at Emma. Hey, thanks for helping me out. It's nothing I've controlled this ship before. No, when I took my leap of faith, thanks for joining me and helping me out, you should use it more often. Only in emergencies. Dad said. Oh so you're actually letting her do it? Well, you've been taking care of her while I was gone, what do you think? Emergencies only sounds great. I smiled squealing some, before hugging them both. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ok, head to the row boat we'll be right behind you. Ok, love you guys!
Killian I watched as she ran off, my jaw dropped some. What? I've never seen her happier. Well, give her rein over her abilities from time to time. But she's a child. A child who needs to learn to be responsible over her own abilities, she has it under control, Hook. Have some faith in her. I sighed some. I just want to protect her, but she's so happy. Maybe by the end of all this she'll prove to you, you can trust her. I smirked some and Emma sighed. Right, row boat let's go.
*** My feet hit the sand I looked back at the Jolly Roger. Dad, how bad do you think the damage is? Nothing we can't fix, love. He said and I smirked some. I wasn't paying attention to Emma I was looking around the island. No we don't. I looked back at her. We just need to succeed, and the way we do that is to just he who we are! A hero, a Villian, a Pirate. I smirked some at dad and then turned back as she basically said either help or get out of her way. Oh damn. I muttered before I started following Emma. Charming, Snow and dad started following us and I guess Regina did as well. I sighed some. Hang in there Henry. I muttered as I knew how bad this place could be, and how quickly you lost hope.
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