Chapter 8 Girlfriend?

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I wake up forgetting where I am, then I remember I was in Brooklyn Beckham's bed! Our legs were intwined together, I could feel his warm body heat.
I sit up and Brooklyn rolls over to face me.
"Morning" he says while stretching.
"Hi" I says smiling feeling pretty awkward.
We both get up I went to the bathroom to get dressed while Brooklyn got dressed in his room, luckily I had my makeup in my handbag so quickly put It on. once we were both ready we went downstairs.
"Morning sleepy heads" Victoria says, Harper gives off a little laugh.
"Hi" we both say back.
"So Brooklyn your brothers have gone to football with your dad so it's just us four, any plans?" She says
"Erm not to sure" he says looking at me.
"Why don't you go out and meet some friends?" She smiles.
"Yeah sure" he says back.
We both put our shoes on and leave the house, we soon arrive in Hyde Park.
"So... where are your friends?" I tease
"Ermmmm" he says scanning his surroundings. "there" he points.
there were two Boys, both had fair hair and were quite tall.
"Hey guys." Brooklyn says.
"Hi mate" the both say, shaking his hand.
"Hey" they say to me.
"Hi" I smile back.
"Not going to introduce us to this stunner brooklyn?" One of them says. I can feel myself going red, I giggle. I don't think Brooklyn likes this and says "this is Bella, my... my girlfriend" I nearly laugh with the thought, why did he say that? I've only none him for what? 24 hours.
"Ow really" the other one says.
I hear the taller one whisper to Brooklyn "you got lucky mate"
"Yeah anyway what are your names?" I say trying to break the tension.
The taller one said his name was jack and the smaller one was Charlie.
"Hey there's a party tonight you should both come!" Charlie says.
I'm about to say no, because I'm not really a party person and I had nothing to wear plus my train tickets for 7pm tonight, but Brooklyn had already said "yeah that will be great"
After talking for a bit me and Brooklyn head out of the park.
"Girlfriend?" I laugh.
"Yeah well" he laughs.
I roll my eyes at him.
He carries On "hey! Well who doesn't want to be my girlfriend" he jokes, well at least I think he's joking.
"Oh and party? I am not going to it" I say with a very bitchy laugh.
"Oh come on! It will be fun, it's a pool party."
"Well one because I'm not really a party person and two I have nothing to wear and three my train tickets home is for tonight"
"Well Bella I'm not a party person either, so that makes two of us and don't worry we will go get you some clothes now, also who cares about the train, I'll get that sorted"
"But broo-" I say dragging my arms backwards like a child having a hissy fit.
"No buts babe, lets go"
He grabs my hand and pulls me along.
We are soon outside topshop.
"Do you like this shop?" He asks.
"Do I like this shop" i question him "of course"
"Well, let's go then" he pulls me in.
I spend about 10 minutes choosing an outfit for tonight. I finally find a black shirt and white top, black heals and a black bikini.
I pull out the emergency £40 my mum gave me and my credit card.
"Nono, I'll pay" Brooklyn says.
"No it's fine, I have enough" I say back.
But that smile, god it works every time and some how Brooklyn is paying for my clothes.
We head back to his house to get ready.
I was meant to be getting the train home tonight but I spoke to my mum and told her everything that had happened, apart from me sleeping in the same bed as Brooklyn, and she has allowed me to stay over a few more nights.
I get dressed in Brooklyns bathroom, yet again.
When I come out Brooklyn is wearing a plain white top and black skinny jeans. he looks even hotter.
"Wow" he says while looking me up and down.
I blush " not to bad yourself" I smirk.

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