Chapter 10 the truth

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Brooklyn POV:
Bella went to get her bag at least 10 minutes ago, where is she.
"Hi" it was izzy, one of the annoying girls from my school.
"erm hi" I say as I scan the room for Bella.
"So, how are you"
"Fine erm I have to go"
"Where?" She grabs my arm
"To find my girlfriend, get off" she lets go shocked by my arseyness ( new word too add to the dictionary)
"Well, I think I saw her outside" she smiles, there's something about her smile, it's like it's reading my thoughts. it's not a nice smile. Fake.
"Right" I say.
Just as I'm walking away from her. I hear a scream. everyone stops what their doing and runs to where the sound came from. the pool.
When we all get there there's a girl, i think she's called sammy and jack.
Jacks in the pool swimming over to what looks like a body. The pools red, it looked something out of a horror scene, sammys calling 999. He looks panicked. Everybody does.
'I- I just came back to get my phone' sammy says clearly in shock.
It was hard to see who it was in the pool. Then it struck me. Where was bella? I pushed through the crowd to get a closer look.
That's when I see the body is Bella.
Instant panic took over me, all I could think was that she was dead. There was so much blood everywhere even on the floor.
I push past everyone and help pull her out with help from another boy and a girl called Amanda.
"Omg" "Is she ok" "how did this happen?" "She's dead!" I hear all around me.
The boy shouts "she breathing" and I instantly breath a sigh of relief but I can feel myself shaking. I'd only known this girl less than 2 days but she already felt the world to me.
Someone else raps a towel round her while her head rests on my knees. My white top was no longer white but I didn't care
"She needs help!" Someone shouts.
"I I know a little CPR ?" the other boy who helped pull bella out the pool says .
I know him from school, he's in my maths. Josh. That's him.
He starts to push down on her chest. I can start to see her lips going blue and panic just takes over me.
"Come on " I say to her limp body "come on" I repeat.
Oh god please be ok.
"Ok" josh takes a deep breath. He gently presses his lips onto her mouth and blows.
One time
Two times
Still nothing
"Her lips are blue" jack says running his hand through his hair, clearly panicking.
Josh presses his lips against her 3 more times and-
Bella takes a huge gasp of air. And every one signs with relief.
She falls unconscious. Harry said it was from the shock and she was probably exhausted.
"Everyone leave please" jack shouts, within minutes the nosy guest evacuate the room. Just into the living room and outside, there was no way they wanted to miss this kind of drama.
I can feel tears in my eyes, I know she's alive but I can't help but think I made this happen to her.
She looks so innocent.
The ambulance and police arrived in minutes. I tried getting in the ambulance with her but they said only family or an adult. and I was left stood with all the others around the bloody mess of the pool.
Texting and ringing my mum franticly to come and pick me up.
The police gather us all together and say "Right, as your aware a serious accident has happened tonight, not only are the bottle of alcohol around here, when your under age. someone has assaulted a young girl, she could have died tonight, do you know how serious this is?
now you can own up and we will call your parents or we can wait and wait to find out who did this and you will get a more harsh punishment"
"How do you even know someone did it to her" it was Katie.
"Well young lady, she didn't just fall did she"
"But how do you know she didn't, most likely she was drunk" izzy buts in.
"She wasn't" I blunt in.
"Brooklyn it's ok" jack whispers to me slightly pulling me back.
"Head injuries and fingermarks don't appear on a person magically young lady" the police officer carries on "Now we will give you five minutes for one of you to confess."
Five Minutes past and No one had owned up. I needed to go see Bella.
"Right then looks like we have to check the cctv" one of the officers said.
"what" Katie whispered. Everyone turned to look at her.
"Katie, you have anything to say?" Someone shouts over to her.
"no why would I" she snaps back.
The police went out the room for a few minutes then came back.
"Madam, your are under arrest for assault, you do not have to say anything but anything you do say will be relied up on in court"
They Had arrested katie!
"Wait, that's not fair, it was izzy to" she screamed as she was being taken to the police car.
Izzy was taken in for questioning to.
I start to follow the police out with my hands clenched "How dare th-"
"leave it" I hear a voice behind me. Bellas new friend Amanda.
I quickly ring my mum and told her everything, she would go to the hospital now while my dad comes and picks me up. I just want to see Bella. why the hell would Katie and izzy do this? I never liked them.

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