Chapter 9 The party

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David happily drops us off at Brooklyn friend jacks house.
"Have a good night" David says.
As we pull up there's already at least 20 people there. It's already very different to party's near me. Jack comes to greet us.
"Hey guys come in" he leads us to the pool and tells us to get changed. we do as we are told and head to the living room where most people are.
"Hi I'm Amanda" a girl comes up to me. Brooklyn had gone off talking to a few friends while I talk to Amanda and two other girls Sophie and Lucy.
"So is true, you and brooklyn?"
"I guess so" I smile, Brooklyn had told me to go along with it.
"Omg cute!" Amanda giggles.
We talk like we have all none each other for years. it's great!
Every time I glance around the room there's always two girls staring at me.
"Who are they" I say nodding my head towards the direction of the two girls.
All three of them roll their eyes.
"Katie and izzy, basically they're the bitches of our school"
"Oh" i nod "they keep glaring at me" I let off a small laugh.
"Don't worry about it, Katie has had a crush on Brooklyn for years, but he's not interested so shes probably just jealous"
after a long chat we decided to go in the pool and have some fun, yet again Katie and izzy are staring at me.
After about an hour messing around on the inflatables, we dry off and go back into the living room were I find Brooklyn, who has just finished a game of fifa.
"Hey" he smile.
"Hi"  i say to him.
He kisses my forehead. which I find quite a shock, I know I'm his fake girlfriend but he didn't need to kiss me. well I'm not complaining. and he apparently doesn't drink so he's not drunk.
"Oh I left my bag by the pool i will just go get it" I smile
"Okay, don't be long girlfriend" he winks.
I go though to the pool area, there's no one left in here now, everyone in different rooms. I lean down next to the pool to pick up my bag when I see a figure behind me, but before I can turn around I've been pushed head first into the pool, at first I think it's one of my new friends or Brooklyn. But then they hit my head against the wall causing blood to build up around me, like a shark attack. then they push me under. hard. I can't get up. I can't get air. I try and scream but the person has me trapped, I turn around and see Katie, she had a horrible smirk on her face. I try once more to swim to the surface to get air but i can't, her fingernails are digging into my neck which makes it even harder. I look up to her face one more time before everything goes fuzzy, then completely dark.

Twisted. (Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora