Chapter 26 hes back

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I woke up looking at the ceiling, almost forgetting where I was, I shot up not remembering the Bruise on my hip, I yelp in pain.
"Hey, hey, hey it's ok" I hear a soft voice say.
I feel a weight lifted of my shoulders, just knowing he was here made me feel so much better.
I look up to him, his eyes were red like he'd been crying.
"W what are you doing here?" I ask confused.
"Alice and Harry told me what happened so I came as soon as I could, we really need to get you to a hospital" He smiles over his anger (if that makes any sense)
" No I don't need to go to hospital. anyway it takes you like an hour to get here!"
"Yeah" he laughs while scratching his neck, what he does when he is trying to keep his Anger in. You start to notice these things.
"Brooklyn" I look into his eyes.
"I'm just thinking" he takes a long pause "no it doesn't matter"
I sit up, not thinking about the pain on my side.
"Careful" he says gently holding my waist.
I look into his eyes. "Brooklyn" because he was changing the subject "tell me"

"I... I love you so so much but I feel like I'm holding you back and causing most your pain." His eyes start to water.
"What do you mean?"  I say
"I feel like I'm not good for you, All the press is my fault, them parties where my fault and this-"
"Isn't you fault, you didn't know them bullies"
"Brooklyn, if anything it's my fault because I got myself into this mess, I love you no matter what, okay?" I smile trying to re insure him.
At this point, he's looking at the floor, a tear hits my wooden floor.
I feel my heart breaking. I love this boy.
He finally lifts his head up and looks me dead in the eye.
"I love you so much Bella. I promise I will never let anything like this happen again"
we slowly lock our lips together and kiss, after Brooklyn had fussed over me to make sure I was ok we then cuddled under a blanket, he then turned the TV on and we watched at least 6 episodes of gossip girl, probably not his favourite. After a while i start getting tired so he generally rests my head on his chest and pulls the blanket over me.

Twisted. (Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora