Chapter 34

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It's been 4 months since me and Brooklyn broke up, I've seen endless articles and photos of him and Chloe. I try to act like I don't care but deep down it hurts so much I just want him back...
As I get lost in my thoughts I hear the front door.
Normally I'd just let my mum answer it but as I was the only one home, because dad was at work and mum was out with Victoria, I had to slump down in my pjs and answer it.
"Harry?" I scream with joy "what are you doing here!"
"Hi! I just been around London for the day, my trains in a hour so I thought I'd just pop in and see you"
"OMG" I say as I hug him "I've not seen you in ages!"
I let Harry in and we have a long chat at the breakfast bar about everything, I mean everything:
Brooke, I mean brookyn. School, family, our life in general.
"I can't believe his going out with someone else" Harry gasped as he stuffed his face with M and Ms.
"Yeah well, I broke up with him so" I reply.
"True, right I better go, I have a train to catch, walk me to the front door?" Harry asks as he gets up.
I stand at the from door while Harry faces me on the door mat.
"Visit whenever you like" I smile.
"Yeah" Harry smiles back, looking directly into my eyes.
We stood there a minute, I didn't think anything of it until...
His lips collided into mine, it was a shock to the system.
"Harry!" I pull away "w what are your doing!"
"I I thought" he stuttered.
"No! No way, your my best friend, what the hell Harry!" I say shocked.
"Well maybe make that more clear" he said as he walked away.
"Harry" I sigh.
"Bye Bella"

Brooklyn POV: ( I just want to say I have nothing against Chloe, I love her. This role of Chloe is just for the story. )
"Babyy" Chloe said as she lent over the sofa, where I was sat.
"What" I say bluntly, not thinking about it.
She looked at me shocked "baby" she wined again.
She was so different to Bella. Bella didn't like leaving my side but she wasn't clingy.
"Sorry" I say.
"Ugh what is wrong with you, ignorant f@ck" she sat up.
"Calm down" I sigh.
"Shut up" she hisses.
"Chloe calm down" I raise my voice a little louder.
"Don't tell me what to do. You think your all it, you really not" she spits.
"What do you mean?" I say.
"I shouldn't be dating someone like you, your a no body, never have been, never will be. Your parents are famous not you." She shouts at me.
I've come to the conclusion that I'm actually pretty emotional. I could feel tears forming but I didn't show them.
"Get out" I shout back
"I jut told you, you can't tell me what to do." She says in a dumbed down voice.
"This is my house, go". I say pointing to the door, Thank god no one else is home.
She let off a horrible laugh "fine I'm going"
She stopped outside the front door. "Your so f@cked up"
"Thanks" I mock "and for the record we're over"
"Fine with me, I only agreed to go out with you for a bit more lime light" she snarled.
"I thought going out with you would get my mind of Bella, but I've come to realise I don't like anyone apart from Bella"
"Aw I don't care." She snapped " I hope she lets you down again, I hope social media ripped you apart because your a nobody Brooklyn."
"Go" I say as calmly as possible
" your an ugly mess, and as for Bel-"
"Talk about me all you want but say a word about Bella and"
"And what" she laughs "your a soft f@ck, you won't do sh@t"
And with that I closed the door on her, I couldn't take anymore.
Nobody talks about Bella like that, we might not be going out but that doesn't mean I don't still love her.
I ran to my room and picked up my phone and dialled the only person I wanted right now
It went on for ages, she wasn't going to answer. It was over.
"Hello?" A nervous voice said down the line.
"Bella" I sigh with relief.

Twisted. (Brooklyn Beckham fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora