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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU MTL Chapter 93: No, no? here? ? now?


Although Shi'an does not want to see Mu Heng now, it would be very convenient to have a pocket like this.

He thought about it, and finally decided to take a gamble.

Shi An opened the contact list, found Zhuo Fu, edited a message and sent it over.

Soon, Zhuo Fu returned the news:

"Yes, yes!"

Before Shi'an had time to reply, a new text message came: "Don't worry, you don't have to be polite with me, just come to the laboratory to find me if you need it, and I will prepare one for you."

A bunny emoticon pack is attached to the back.

Well, it's pretty easy.

Shi An thought for a while, and sent another message in the past: "By the way, is Mu Heng here now?"

Zhuo Fu was silent for a few seconds: "I went out to perform the task, but he was not there, why? Can you not contact him? Do you need me to find someone for you?"

Shi An hurriedly recovered:

"No, no, no, I just ask casually."

He paused, and also sent a rabbit emoji.

After putting down the phone, Shi An felt a little relieved.

Now that Mu Heng went out to perform the task, he shouldn't run into anyone when he went to find Zhuo Fu to get things.

Twenty minutes later.

Shi An touched the laboratory in the administration bureau in a familiar way.

The translucent glass door in front of him was closed tightly, and the shadowy figures could be vaguely seen inside.

The door of the laboratory slowly opened.

Zhuo Fu was wearing a white coat loosely, and he raised his eyes and looked at the door. He enthusiastically waved to Shi'an: "Here! Come in!"

Although Shi An has been here more than once, he basically performed some painless tests. He waited outside most of the time. This was the first time he came to the core area of ​​the laboratory.

Shi An looked curiously at the huge laboratory in front of him.

The dome here is very high and wide. The overall color is icy silvery white, extending in all directions. The thick metal walls are obviously specially treated, which can not only block the line of sight, but also prevent the penetration and release of magical power.

Zhuo Fu walked over quickly and said enthusiastically: "I didn't expect that, An An, you would come to me for help as soon as possible. I am so touched!"

He blinked at Shi'an, "How much capacity do you want to hold?"

Shi An thought for a while, and decided to blur his requirements a bit:

"The bigger the better?"

"Wow!" Zhuo Fu widened his eyes in surprise: "You are not a low request!"

He frowned, thought about it, and said, "You come with me."

After speaking, he took Shi'an and walked inside.

One of the metal doors opened open, revealing rows of magic expansion bags.

Zhuo Fu enthusiastically introduced: "In short, this is almost the case for large-capacity. If it is only for daily use, this one is very good. The area is a full 500 cubic meters. No matter how large it is, it is possible. Fill out a few forms and send them back regularly for testing, in case the internal magic is unstable or something..."

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