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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU Chapter 106 English: Furious! !


The silver-white dragon fell on the edge of the cliff, habitually tucking its two claws under its belly, with its wings tucked behind its back, and its right claw hanging slightly in the air to prevent the claws from touching the ground.

Shi An lowered his eyes and looked thoughtfully at the magic circle in front of him.

Red lines are painted on the dark ground, and a strange luster shines in a gray poisonous fog.

Now that he wants to quickly restore his strength, it seems that there is only this way.


Would humans be so kind?

Shi Anke doesn't think so.

He lost his thoughts, and the dragon flame that he vomited by the way would be burned from the abyss that crossed below.

Watching the monsters quickly burned to ashes, Shi'an suddenly had a solution.

He flew to catch a few monsters and threw them in the center of the circle.

The moment the monster landed, the red light on the magic circle lit up.

The skeletal skin on the body swelled up after the strange squeak of the abyss, and exploded like a balloon with excessive internal pressure.

Shi An tried several times before finally grasping the time, and burned them just before they exploded.

Comparing to the magic power supply

He flapped his wings happily and was very satisfied with his wit.

However, the surrounding monsters were quickly used up.

It stands to reason that there will be a continuous abyss from the cracks in the abyss, but perhaps because there is an abyss dragon guarding the outside, even if Shi An has tried his best to contain his breath, But it still made the monsters that drilled out less and less.

Shi An looked at the magic circle below and thought for a few minutes, and finally decided to spread his wings and slowly fall next to the magic circle.

Judging from the magic power transmitted from the bodies of the burned monsters, there is a high probability that there is no major problem with this magic circle.

After all, Shi Anxian was really anxious.

Because... His treasure is still with the humans!

Not only in which volcano pit, and the mercenary snatched it, but also all his fortune that he has worked so hard to find since waking up-all have been left to the humans!

Thinking of this, Shi An couldn't help feeling very sad.

No need!

This one-night bankruptcy...he can't experience it for the second time!

Therefore, regardless of nothingness, he must go to the human beings as soon as possible to grab his treasure back! !

Shi An stood beside the magic circle, supported his body with his left paw, and then a small heart stepped a right paw in.

——The reason why he left his left paw outside is because he has an injury on his right paw, and it hurts to step on the ground.

The blood red halo lit up again in the circle.

The pure power of the abyss poured into the dragon's body, and the silver-white scales flowed in light, like moonlight shining in the dark night.

As time passed, a shallow layer of blood mist slowly awakened from the magic circle, rising up little by little, slowly climbing onto the dragon's body.

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