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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 100 RAW: Dragon's Treasure


There are countless islands dotted outside the Ross District.

The waterway is complicated and inaccessible.

The base camp of mercenaries is located on one of the islands.

The smell in the air is strong and complex, like cold metal, scorching gunpowder, mixed with the breath of blood.

Vulgar curses and laughter sounded in the surrounding camp.

A squad of mercenaries that looked very embarrassed was walking inward.

Some of them were already wounded, their faces were pale and gloomy, and at the end of this team, there was a man in black who looked out of place with the surroundings.

Countless ill-intentioned eyes cast from light to secret, falling on this uninvited guest.

But the black-robed man didn't seem to feel the slightest, and walked inward calmly.

Passing through the camp and the cave, the scene in front of you suddenly opened up.

The dome of the cave is extremely high, with obvious artificial traces. It is not the flame that is responsible for the lighting, but the shiny gems inlaid on the wall, making it look more like a palace than a barren mountain on an uninhabited island.

The mercenaries saluted a man in the distance:


The mercenary called the chief looked very ordinary, of medium build, and mediocre appearance, as if thrown into the crowd would immediately obliterate everyone, but no one dared to despise him.

He called himself Xu Feng.

No one knows his real name except for himself.

He has a pair of slender eyes that are accustomed to killing, and the light in his eyes is cold and cunning. When he looks over, he can't help feeling a horrible coolness.

The mercenaries fully reported the failure of the mission.

"So, failed? Didn't get the sword?" Xu Feng narrowed his eyes slightly and said in a calm voice.

Under his gaze, even though he had experienced countless fights, the mercenaries still couldn't help their scalp tingling.

They resisted the urge to retreat and whispered: "Yes...Yes."

"What about the other task?"

The mercenaries glanced at each other, obviously hesitant, not knowing how to report to the leader.

At this moment, the black-robed man who has been silent since just now slowly stepped forward, his voice hoarse, with a strange coldness: "The task has been completed, at least for me."

Xu Feng looked at the black-robed man with an unsightly smile on his face:

"Really? As long as you are satisfied."

"In return, I will tell you the identity of the dragon, but..."

The black-robed man paused, and slowly said, "Without a weapon, even if you learn this information, it is of no use to you."

A trace of gloom passed through Xu Feng's eyes.

However, the smile on his face was deeper: "Sir, you are right."

The mercenary leader came over:

"I don't know what insights you have?"

The black-robed man said: "The reason why the sword can damage the dragon is indispensable for its material and additional magic. The spells attached to it are very old and have been lost now, but..."

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