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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU Chapter 75: "so what?


Shi An was lost in thought while sitting in the passenger seat.

He couldn't understand what happened just now.

I always feel like every step is right, but the ending is completely different from what I imagined.

what the **** is it?

When the car stopped, Shi An withdrew from his thoughts.

Only then did he realize that he didn't seem to know where they were going or what they were going to do now.

"...Where is this place?" Shi An blinked and asked in confusion.

"If you don't know where to go, just follow me?"

Mu Heng lowered his eyes and glanced at him, with a rare hint of ridicule in his voice: "You are too easy to be abducted."

Shi An: "..."

In fact, I just got distracted for a long time!

Shi Anning raised her eyebrows and tried her best: "But isn't this because you are leading the way?"

What wickedness can there be with shiny collectibles?

Hearing this, Mu Heng was startled, his eyes darkened slightly.

The young man in front of him was completely unconscious about what he unintentionally said, and he didn't know how...dangerous his attitude of pure trust and dependence would be.

Mu Heng withdrew his gaze, his voice was muted, and he changed the subject calmly:

"...Get off the car."

In front of him was a huge circular building, which looked a bit similar to the Wang's training ground that Shi'an had visited before, but it was much larger and looked very magnificent.

Zhuo Fu stood at the door of the building and waved at them.

"This is the Mu family's private training ground." As Zhuo Fu entered, he introduced Shi'an: "Don't look at its high-tech look now. In fact, it has been carefully calculated for hundreds of years, but it has been updated from generation to generation. That's it."

"In short, I would like to thank Mr. Mu for lending me the venue and agreeing to study my test machine here."

Shi An: "Testing machine?"

Zhuo Floating nodded and said enthusiastically: "Yes, that's right, you can intelligently customize the most suitable training method for the subject according to your unique magic level and magic level, so that you can get twice the result with half the effort!"

Shi An turned his head and looked at Mu Heng.

Mu Heng said, "Wen Yao told me what happened last time outside the abyss."

He looked down at Shi'an, his eyes unpredictable: "She said you are very strong."

It can be stronger after proper training.


Shi An didn't know what the other side wanted to do, but just nodded cautiously.


Mu Heng said lightly, he turned and walked out of the field.

Shi An: "?"

A glass curtain wall rose, blocking Mu Heng and Zhuo Fu outside.

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