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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU RAW Chapter 76: Desire to monopolize


"Really? Chief Mu will come to give us a practical training class?"


"I also think that if you want to know that, it's Officer Mu... it's impossible to think about it!"

The whispers of the students echoed in the actual combat training ground.

At this moment, the metal gate of the training ground made a beep, and then slowly opened to both sides.

Although everyone felt that the news was a rumor, they subconsciously quieted down immediately and looked towards the door with bated breath.

The figure of a young man appeared from the end of the tunnel.

"Shi'an! Here!"

Lin Yanming's eyes lit up and hurriedly waved at him.

The others secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

What? It was Shi An who hadn't shown up for a long time. It was really scary to come in at this time.

"Shi'an, why are you late again?"

Although Shi Rui had a caring smile on her face, a dark mockery flashed across her eyes: "Fortunately, the teacher did not come, otherwise..."

He hadn't finished speaking yet, and there were unhurried footsteps in the passage behind Shi An, and a tall man walked in.

Shi Rui's unspoken words got stuck in his throat.

The entire actual combat training ground was immediately quiet. The students were dumbfounded, almost unable to believe their eyes, staring blankly at the man who appeared behind Shi An.

Silver-haired and blue eyes, with an indifferent expression.

The man's aura is extremely strong, as if there is a kind of concretizing fortitude in his body, he calmly scanned the audience with his gaze, those extremely deep blue eyes did not have much emotion in the depths, but inexplicably made everyone in awe , Holding his breath subconsciously.

...Actually, it is really Mu Heng?

That Officer Mu, actually came to teach them?

Shi Rui's expression froze, and his face became a little ugly.

Others don't know, but he knows that the relationship between Shi An and Mu Heng is probably unusual.

Just now...

When Mu Heng's gaze passed over him, Shi Rui could hardly restrain his desire to retreat.

Mu Heng withdrew his gaze expressionlessly. He lowered his eyes and put his palm on Shi An's shoulder for a moment: "Go back to the team."

He walked to the front of the students.

Mu Heng's footsteps were not swift or slow, and the hard soles of the boots knocked on the hard metal ground, making a steady and regular sound. Every next step made people tremble.

He stood not far away, opened his mouth to break the silence, and said:

"This actual combat training class is given by me."

Mu Heng looked at the students in front of him, his voice indifferent and low: "The actual combat is completely different from what you imagined and the simulation environment carefully designed for you by the school. On the battlefield, all the theories you learned in class Knowledge is useless, and life and death will be determined in the blink of an eye."

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