145 & 146 (Extra 1 & 2)

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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up 145: Extra one


The blood moon caused a great shock in human society.

The entire continent has not experienced a blood moon for tens of thousands of years, and even some basic information has been lost. Only a few knowledgeable humans understand this phenomenon, and most people know very little about it.

Although curfew notices have been issued in all regions, this is not very helpful to the panic of the civilians-especially when I witnessed the scarlet moon slowly rising from the horizon and heard the monsters in the wasteland under the blood moon. After the roar...the sight seemed to only appear in the nightmare.

Coupled with the weird phenomena that occurred across the mainland before the blood moon rose, reports of monster attacks, contaminated areas, and large-scale evacuation, the entire mainland was panicked.

As time passed, the blood moon rose and fell.

The night faded, and the morning light fell.

The conspiracy theories that were circulated on the Internet and all kinds of threat theories did not happen.

Although a few humans who were forced to die regardless of the curfew went to the wild, they were attacked by wild monsters.


The world has not been destroyed, it is still running smoothly.

However, some time after the end of the blood moon, someone suddenly discovered that one name was missing from the list of members of the administration.

Mu Heng.

I don't know when, the person in charge of the Combat Division became Wen Yao, his former deputy.

The aftermath of the blood moon incident has not disappeared, and public opinion has once again stirred up waves.

Mu Heng's status and identity are really too special. This makes his resignation the focus of attention. Everyone eagerly wants to know why he left, whether he was active or forced, and what happened under this move. Hidden.

The Public Relations Department of the Administration has been very busy these days.

Both online and offline communication methods have been blown up. From ordinary civilians to hungry media everywhere, people everywhere want to get first-hand information from them.

The overwhelming public relations department had to come to find the top management of the administration, hoping to get instructions on the next step.

"Do we need to make an announcement... what?"

The person in charge of the public relations department wiped his sweaty forehead with a handkerchief. There was still a green shadow that hadn't rested for several days. He said bitterly, "Or can I ask Officer Mu to explain...?"

"Make an announcement?"

The senior management of the administration has a sullen expression: "Tell me, how do we make announcements?"

He stepped forward and said almost aggressively: "You want Mu Heng to make a statement. Would you please?"

After all, Mu Heng was not "fired" strictly speaking.

The administration was eager to let him stay forever, but the negotiations broke down, and their main source of support came from the major families that still had illusions about Dragon Slaying from various regions, so there was no way to look down and beg him to come back.

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