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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 103 MTL English: no doubt. It's the dragon.


When the members of the bureau were busy, Shi An slowly walked around the back edge of the crater.

Bright and shining gold and gems piled up high peaks, casting deep shadows on the ground.

He looked up.

The thick volcanic ash condensed into mountains and clouds, and it was piled up in black, and there was a faint fire gleaming in the dark shadows.

The sultry temperature is multiplying, and the air is filled with a strong smell of sulfur.

The sound of human conversation can be faintly heard in the distance.

Shi An retracted his sight.

I don't know if it was because of lowering his head too fast, he suddenly felt a little groggy.

A golden ghost appeared in front of him.

"..." Shi'an blinked and shook his head slowly.


He walked forward slowly two steps, raised his hand and pressed it on the pile of treasures in front of him.

The crashing metal crash sounded, crisp and sweet, the bright light and shadow fell from his side, fell to his feet, on the ground, but the sound became distant.

His sight was dyed into a large spot of golden red and silver.

Shi An frowned.

It seemed that there was a heavy hammer hitting deep in my mind, making a bang bang bang.

There seemed to be a special element in the air, whispering and whispering quietly.

The juvenile’s long, jet-black eyelashes hung down slightly, and his pupils shrunk to the size of a pinpoint, crimson, flame-like golden glow spreading across the eyes, gradually swallowing the black.

He took a step forward again.

His knees seemed to have lost strength, and his legs became soft and buoyant, completely unable to support the weight of his body.

About to fall.

A vague thought flashed through Shi'an’s mind, but before he had time to catch it, the scene in front of him suddenly turned upside down, like an overturned paint tray. All the color blocks began to fall apart and eventually became Indistinguishable blurred edges.


The treasure pile was knocked over, and the clear metal pouring sound rang out, which seemed very remote and faint in the huge volcanic crater.

However, Mu Heng who was not far away seemed to feel something.

He subconsciously stopped his layout, turned his head to look in the direction of the sound, and then captured the moment when Shi An fell.

At that time, it seemed as if the speed of time was slowing down.

Mu Heng's pupils shrank suddenly.

The body starts to act before it realizes it.

He compressed the space skillfully, took two hurried steps, and almost moved to Shi An's side in the next second.

The boy fell on the pile of treasures, his slender figure was especially fragile compared with the golden mountain behind him, as if he would be swallowed in the next second.

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