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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 1 English: Ugly claws
The whispering sound was low, passing across the huge square.

"Shi'an is here too."

"Isn't he missing?"

"Yeah, the monster didn't even tear him?"

"I got it back, as if I fell into a cave and fell unconscious."

"Hey, it's a waste."


At the center of public opinion is a teenager.

He stood alone on the edge of the crowd, alone, with an unintentional vacuum zone delineated by his side, intentionally or unintentionally.

Those gossips didn't seem to enter his ears at all. The black crow's eyelashes were hanging down, and there was no extra expression on his white to transparent face. It seemed to be in a trance, with a little alienation and fragility away from the crowd.

At this time, a majestic voice sounded from not far away:

"No. 2087, Shi'an, please come forward."

There are a total of 2087 students waiting here. The student numbers are arranged in order of magic value. Being at the end can only prove that... his magic value is scarce and almost negligible.

This kind of person was originally not eligible to enter the college, but it is said that Shi's family donated a building to the school, and Shi'an was forced into the shortlist.

This year is the third year he came to test.

If it still fails to detect any magic value, even if Shijia donates more money, Shi'an will be forcibly removed from the list and will no longer be eligible for admission.

After hearing his name, the young man's eyelashes trembled and raised his eyes.

He seemed to hesitate for a moment, but still walked towards the front desk.

There was silence in the square.

His eyes were cast from all directions, falling on him one after another.

There is not much kindness in those sights, more ridicule and ridicule, and more are waiting to see jokes.

Shi An walked into the room.

The teacher in charge of supervising the magic detection is a tired-looking teacher. He raised his eyelids with imperfect nature, and glanced over Shi'an, as if he had already assumed that the other party was already familiar with the process: "Go."

But Shi'an didn't move.

He glanced at the strangely-shaped instrument in front of him suspiciously, then turned to look at the teacher, and asked sincerely: "Where?"

Teacher: "..." It's not the first time. What kind of pretense is this?

But thinking that this was the last time I saw him anyway, he still pointed to the dim silver ball on the instrument patiently, and said, "Put your hand on it."

Shi An nodded and let out a calm "Oh".

He stepped forward, raised his hand and pressed it on the ball, then took a deep breath, and turned his gaze sideways as if he couldn't bear to look straight.

Seeing this, even the teacher who already knew the ending couldn't help but feel compassion.

——As the only child in a recently emerging family, but without any magic value, the pressure he bears is definitely greater than others imagine, so this is why this test concerning his admission qualifications is so important.

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