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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up 33 English: Was strangling the neck of fate
Shi An stood there, looking around blankly.

The bottom of the gorge was silent, only the struggling leg bones in his hands clicked, and a small cluster of orange flames burning at the top seemed particularly abrupt in the darkness.

At this moment, a loud shout came from behind: "Who is there!"

Shi An turned his head and followed the sound.

I saw a few men in mercenary uniforms surrounding him.

The leader looked up and down at the young man alone in front of him, and asked, "Shian?"

Shi An tilted his head suspiciously: "Do you know me?"


The man chuckled, revealing his teeth stained with smoke, his eyes sunken in his eye sockets radiated brightly: "Let's go, I'll take you to see your companion."

As he said, he started to pull the boy's arm.

Unexpectedly, the boy in front of him looked so weak and could not help but... he tugged, but he didn't tugged.

The mercenary frowned and turned to look over.

The boy’s face was red from the cold, the pinkish white fluff on the rabbit’s earmuffs was fluttering in the cold wind, and his beautiful round eyes were dark and moist. They looked harmless to humans and animals. He sucked his nose and his soft voice was heard by the wind. Cover up, it sounds a bit unreal:

"I do not believe you."

The mercenary is a bit annoyed.

He raised his brows, subconsciously increased the strength of his men, and his tone became tough and unceremonious: "You don't want to toast or punish..."

Shi An frowned: "You hurt me."

"Kid, you'd better follow me obediently, or wait a while when you hurt--" The mercenary grinned, eyes shining fiercely.

The others laughed.

In the dark night, the young man looked over with pitch-black eyes, amidst the chaotic blizzard, a little inexplicable.

Don't know why, the mercenary suddenly panicked.

He frowned in anger, as if to conceal the fact that he was actually scared by a child, his strength increased a bit with revenge, and he shouted rudely and viciously: "What do you look at? Believe it or not, I went to your eyes? "

Suddenly, the boy raised his hand with cute plush gloves and landed lightly on the man's arm.

His palm is not big, and he is even petite compared to a man's muscular arm. He doesn't even feel a lot of weight when he puts it on, like a snow falling silently and quietly.

At that moment, the mercenary suddenly felt cold behind his back and his whole body stiffened.

The sense of danger came fiercely and quietly, like a beast in the dark night with its fangs sticking to its face, and it was too late when it was discovered.

The next second-


A crisp bone crack sounded in the deadly snowy night.

In an instant, everything was quiet.

The mercenary didn't even react.

He looked down blankly, and saw his arm twisted in the opposite direction. The human heart from the apparently abnormal angle was cold. Then, a sharp pain came and a sharp howl. Break through the throat: "Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!"

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