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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU Chapter 120 English: Who is the princess


Mu Heng's breath choked.

The frequency of chest fluctuations suddenly became irregular.

The mouth of his heart seemed to be gently scratched by the extremely soft feathers, itchy and irritable, a strange impulse quickly swelled in his heart, making his heart beat so fast.

This feeling of heart is too strong, making him eager to do something bad.

They kissed each other fiercely until they couldn't breathe, so hard that they could taste the smell of blood between their lips and tongue, so that those eyes were stained with tears, and they were weakly entered, until they cried and panted and begged him to stop.

He looked down at the dragon lying on his lap, gritted his teeth a little bit fiercely.

I don’t know why, the other party can always keep him wandering in two extreme states repeatedly, tearing, not only wanting to vent his violent desires, but also unscrupulously bullying him, making him cry and weeping, but can’t help but want to satisfy the other party. All the requirements, and even want to give him everything he owns, just for a fleeting smile.

It's really bad.

With the passage of time, Mu Heng could clearly feel his paranoid possessiveness growing wildly deep in his chest, encroaching on the texture like a poison, causing him to sink deeper and deeper every day, until he was dying and unable to quit.

At this moment, Mu Heng's communicator rang suddenly.

The sound of "Dididi" sounded, and the viscous and stagnant air broke in an instant.

Mu Heng took a deep breath and forced himself to look away before he really did anything.

He lowered his eyes and connected the phone.

Wen Yao's voice came from the communicator.

The signal over there seemed to be disturbed, and Wen Yao's vague voice and rapid gasp could be heard in the sound of sizzling electric current:

"...Sir...here...monsters...please support!"

In the next second, the signal was cut off.

Mu Heng was taken aback, then frowned.

Wen Yao's strength is good, and he can deal with most dangers freely. What's more, with his understanding of Wen Yao, it is impossible to call him for help unless he really encounters a very dangerous situation.

Soon, he called out the final position of Wen Yao's mission.

That is the misty jungle at the junction of Central District and Aiwen District.

In Zhuo Fu's report, the abnormal value of magic fluctuation in this area is among the top, that is to say, the degree of alienation is extremely high.

The misty jungle.

The trees are towering, the thick branches and vines completely cover the sky, no light can penetrate in, and the entire jungle is shrouded in a kind of uncomfortable and depressive fog.

The fog was thick and sticky, everything seemed to be immersed in thick white pulp, at most, only the fuzzy shadows of trees in the distance could be seen, like monsters with teeth and claws.

Wen Yao lowered her head and firmly pressed the communicator in her hand with her fingertips.

The water mist condensed on the screen, and on the keyboard, it condensed into water droplets flowing from the gaps, dripping from her fingers, dripping to the ground.

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