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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up Chapter 99: Suspecting this kind of thing is very strange.


The night is hidden.

The only speedboat that escaped from that battle broke through the dark waves and sailed towards the distant shore.

An unknown island outside the Ross District.

It does not belong to the zone, and is sometimes used as a transit point in the sea area for a short period of time.

On the shoal in the remote south of the island, a team of mercenaries is waiting to be picked up.

Soon, they saw the speedboat coming through the waves in the distance, but this did not make the mercenaries happy.

Because there is only one left.

Soon, the ship reached the shore, and a few gloomy mercenaries jumped off the ship with difficulty. His body was covered with semi-dry blood.

The mercenaries waiting on the shore hurriedly stepped forward and held them back:

"What about the rest?"

The leading mercenary spit out a **** saliva: "Bah, it's all the **** gone."

His expression was slightly distorted: "I blame the **** Mu Heng..."

"Where's the sword?"

The mercenary's expression is even more gloomy: "Fuck, I didn't grab it."

This sneak attack plan was completely wiped out.

They were going to sneak aboard the ship under the cover of the night and thick fog, but they didn't expect that they were spotted before they could get close, and they were forced to meet with the fully vigilant Mu Heng team.

Not to mention grabbing the sword, they were lucky to have recovered a life from that sea.

At the end of the mercenary team, an inconspicuous figure stood up. He was dressed in a black robe, his head and face were hidden in the shadows, and his voice was hoarse, but he couldn't tell whether he was old or young. The suffocating metal texture looks cold and remote:

"What are we leaving you to do?"

The mercenary took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and said:

"Just like what you said, the crack did open, but then our team was broken up. The other side of the team didn’t know why the team couldn’t get in touch. So we don’t know what to do next. Mu Heng's group of people get rid of it... his grandma's, the whole **** trip for nothing..."

However, he hadn't finished what he said, only to hear the black-robed man let out a short laugh:

"It doesn't matter, my goal has been achieved."

In the darkness covered by the robe, the corners of the black robe man's lips rose silently, seeming to be very satisfied with the result.

He slowly said, "Now, take me to find your head.

In addition to the information about the dragon, I think I have more things you need here. "

——I am looking forward to our next transaction. "

Shi An waited nervously.

This weird bad idea came from those three monsters. As for whether it works...

He didn't know either.

There was no sound outside for a long time.

Just as Shi An's heart was up and down, he felt some soft fabric placed in his palm, and he fell heavily.

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