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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU Chapter 125 MTL English: The despicable princess who stands by and waits for the dragon


After dinner, Mu Heng asked Shi'an whether he was going to enter the canyon in the dark, or to take a rest in the hotel first.

There is no need to hesitate.

The previous experience of being shivered and shivering in the snowy night is really unforgettable.

Although it is not winter now, the temperature here is still very low compared to the outside world. As a dragon who is very afraid of cold, Shi An is not prepared to experience such a tragic experience again.


He has enough workload today!

Not only did it span two areas, but it also cleared so many cracks.

--Although it was mainly Mu Heng who did it, Shi An still gave the credit for these things to himself without any guilt.

It's time to take a break.

Mu Heng nodded: "Then I'll book a room."

Shi An: "Book two rooms!"

As a dragon with an identity, of course you have to occupy a whole room by yourself.

Mu Heng stood still, turned his head and looked over:

"......you sure?"

Shi An: "?"

"Am I not your trophy?"

The man lowered his eyes and said unhurriedly:

"Generally speaking, dragons always guard their trophies to prevent escaping, right?"

Shi An was startled.

That's right.

Although the three monsters sacked back into the bag, they still left a small gap for eavesdropping.

Upon hearing the conversation between the two, the entire bag fell into a dead silence.

The eyeballs suddenly jumped up, and he didn't hesitate to say:

"Despicable and shameless human!!"

It jumped at the bottom of the bag and yelled:

"Will he run! He will run away as soon as he runs! Is he going to run too early!"

The devil bites his teeth bitterly:

"Spoken words, bad intentions!"

At this moment, across the gap in the bag, Shi An's voice came:

"You are right, then it's better to have one."

Three monsters: "..."

The three of them hugged each other and cried bitterly.

My lord! You are too good to lie! do not be like this!

As the only hotel outside Aiwen Canyon, although the area is not large, it often receives people with ample capital flow. So as long as you are willing to spend money, you can always enjoy the best service.

--And Mu Heng happens to be the type of customer with ample funds.

They took the elevator to the top floor of the hotel.

Shi An opened the door and stared at the big bed in front of him, with some doubts:

"Is there only one bed here?"

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