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After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up MTL Chapter 85: So is he imprisoned by a dragon?


Shi'an is now focusing on making his new nest more comfortable.

He likes to bury himself in shiny golden things, but unfortunately he can't find anything similar right now, so he has to temporarily use these hay to make a nest.

Looking at the cave covered with dry grass in front of him, Shi'an's mood fell to the bottom again.

I thought it could be replaced, but...

It's totally different.

It was obviously golden when it was outside in the sun, but after being placed in a gloomy cave, how could it become...

Is it so shabby?

Shi An was very unhappy.

Broken pictures and memory fragments came to mind.

The empty dilapidated cave, the fluttering snowflakes falling into the ruins, the elven ring flashing on the man's short fingers, the gold and silver jewelry that belonged to him piled up in the warehouse, introducing the precious gems displayed in the list.


……Thief! ! !

Sunlight spilled in from the hole above his head, and fell on the silver-white back of the dragon, like a shining river of light winding down.

The red-gold vertical pupils narrowed slightly, and a certain restless and terrifying shadow flashed under his eyes, like the shadow cast by the burning fire, bringing a kind of almost tyrannical oppression.

Mu Heng looked at the dragon in front of him steadily.

The fingers hanging on his side were slightly bent, the palms were empty, and the faint fluctuations of magic power were brewing silently, his muscles were tight, his eyes were dark and cold, and he couldn't see what he was thinking.

The dragon turned his head and looked in Mu Heng's direction.

A slender man stands in a corner of the cave, with silver hair and blue eyes.

His complexion was calm, but his body language was vigilant and defensive, like a bowstring ready to go.

Surprisingly, the fire that flickered in the depths of the dragon's vertical pupils gradually extinguished, and the golden-red eye pupils shone like some kind of gleaming gemstone.

It shook the tip of its tail happily.

Ah, shiny.


The anger just now was suddenly forgotten in the back of his head.

Shi An leaned down and poked his tail over, habitually trying to wrap the man's waist and drag him to his side.

However, before his tail touched the opponent.

The magic wave of the rifting air rang out, and the silver-white sharp blade suddenly cut off and landed on the scales of the dragon's tail, making a crisp metal crash.

The tip of the tail was bounced away.

Mu Heng narrowed his eyes and looked at each other coldly.

Shi An glanced at the human being in front of him, then at his own tail that was bounced back.



He vaguely remembered that the humans in front of him didn't seem to hate being surrounded by his own tail.

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