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Read After The Abyss Dragon Woke Up AADWU 44 MTL: Weak and pitiful but able to fight


As if everything had never happened before, Xu Chengwen continued to teach the students.

Shi An stood at the very end of the team, hanging his head absent-mindedly. Not far away, the teacher's lecture sounded past his ears like white noise, without even listening.

He closed his eyes and felt the dragon's magic power that he hadn't fully absorbed in his body.

Absorbing magic power is something that is more difficult as you go backwards.

Yesterday, in order to quickly change his form back to a human, Shi'an was pressed into a hurry, and forcibly pushed the progress forward by 20%.

Although the change is changed back, but the tail is left behind.

After that, in order to retract the tail, Shi An seized every opportunity to absorb the dragon slough in his body as long as he had time. However, it seemed that the progress had been stagnant because of the rush of absorption.

Until now-

I don't know if I don't feel it, I'm surprised when I feel it.

Shi An didn't expect that after just one night, the stubborn progress that was obviously stuck before going to bed, there was a vague sign of loosening.

He opened his eyes, revealing a puzzled look.

It's weird, I obviously didn't do anything except sleep with Mu Heng last night, so Longxu's absorption quickly became faster.

When Shi An was losing his mind, Xu Chengwen stopped the lecture.

He smiled maliciously at the freshmen in front of him, and said, "I have basically said the trick to controlling magic power to you, and now it's time for the actual operation."

With that said, Xu Chengwen turned on the controller and pressed it several times in a familiar place on it.

Accompanied by obvious magical fluctuations, the sound of the machine reverberated in the huge training room.

As the blue light woven through, a single simulated monster appeared not far in front of the new students, arranged in a neat line. This monster was called a rock beast, with a huge body and an extremely thick carapace. It was almost counted. He is indestructible, and he is used to throw his body into a ball and hit the enemy.

Of course, they are not without weaknesses. There is a lighter skin on the right back side of the Rock Armored beast, which is their stomata. As long as you control the magic power to attack that place, you can force the Rock Armored beast to leave the fighting state.

But the operation is far from being as simple as it is said.

Rock Armored beasts attack very fast, and in that high-speed rolling state, it is even more difficult to hit the stomata.

Although the rock beast in front of me was simulated, both the attack speed and the attack ability were greatly reduced, and the collision would not kill people, but it was not a problem for ten and a half months.

Looking at the entire row of rock beasts in front of him, the newborn couldn't help but feel his scalp tingling.

Although they had heard of Xu Chengwen's reputation for a long time, they really didn't expect that the other party would actually take this type of practice in the first class of school.

The metal ground on the rock beast rose slowly, forming a **** between the monster and the student.

Looking at the rows of students in front of him, Xu Chengwen said, “Although each rock beast only tracks one student, you must be very careful when you get hit by someone else’s rock beast. After all, they are not long. Eye."

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